CCC Wednesday Communique – March 21, 2018

Happy Wednesday!

This is the Community Caring Collaborative Weekly Communiqué where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners.  Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the Events section, and job postings and other items of interest in the Announcements section.  Subscribe here to get the Communiqué.  Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at  Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab. This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included.  Thanks!

Photo above: Happy Spring!


Machias Job Fair Rescheduled: The Machias Career Center has rescheduled the March 13th Job Fair, canceled due to snow, to April 5th from 10 am to 1 pm.  This is a great opportunity to meet face-to-face with recruiters.

Estate Planning Seminar: Washington County Thriving in Place is bringing Rebecca J. Sargent, Esq. of Jones, Kuriloff & Sargent, LLC in Ellsworth, to Machias on May 22nd for a  three-hour seminar on Estate Planning Basics.  This free event will provide strategies to give caregivers and family members the legal and financial resources to care for loved ones and themselves. Topics include Powers of Attorney, Advanced Care Directives, Wills & Trusts and asset protection.  This seminar will be held at the Kay Parker Building of Sunrise Opportunities in Machias from 1 to 4 pm.  Register here and share this flyer with friends, colleagues and clients.

Calais Area Breast Cancer Support Group: will be meeting on March 23rd at 3 pm in the downstairs parlor of the Calais United Methodist Church, 849 Main Street, Calais.  This free “gathering” is a comforting and safe environment to find encouragement and hope.  Open to all that have a breast cancer diagnosis.  FMI call Marianne at 454-0501.

Resilience Community Facilitators Certification: The Maine Resilience Building Network is seeking professional and community members representing a range of sectors throughout the State with demonstrated ability to facilitate, train or teach  to be engaged as Resilience Community Facilitators.  Commitments include a free two-day professional development training May 14 & 15, 2018.  There is a $25 application fee.  Soft application deadline is April 6th.  Link to application and description of project.

Grief Support Group to begin in Calais: Anthony Giard of Mays Funeral Home and Pam Helmstadter, LCPC, with Don Greene of Downeast Hospice Volunteers, are starting a support group for people who have lost loved ones.  The group will meet for 2 hours twice a month to help people connect with others who are grieving for social support as well as to learn some techniques to help cope with grief and loss. There is no charge to attend. The first meeting will be held on April 5th from 6-8 pm at the Calais United Methodist Church at 849 Main Street. For more information, contact Anthony 454-3141 at or Pam at 454-0407.

Winter Playtime for Tots & Parents: Bring your babies & toddlers to the UMM lower gymnasium for unstructured activity time. Plenty of floor mats and lots of space for running, jumping and playing on Thursdays, 1 — 2:30 pm,  March 22, April 5, 19. See flyer for details. Sponsored by Maine Families, UMM and the Washington County CAN Council.

Your announcement could go here: email the details to Christine by 5 pm Monday for inclusion in Wednesday’s Weekly Communiqué.


This is where we post updates on programs, initiatives and pending legislation.

Calendar of Events

Recovery Resource Fair: 
March 23, 2018
The Washington County Community Action team will host a Recovery Resource Fair  from 12pm to 6pm at the University of Maine at Machias’ Reynolds Athletics Center (116 O’Brien Avenue, Machias) – see flyer. The Recovery Resource Fair will provide an opportunity for area residents and community members to learn about resources available in Washington County and surrounding counties to support people who are seeking recovery, navigating the early stages of recovery, and maintaining long-term recovery, as well as supporting families in recovery.  Those who provide substance use disorder prevention and treatment services, including direct treatment, medical care, employment assistance, financial services, spiritual, personal growth and development, and complementary health services are invited and encouraged to take part in this community event. There is no charge to participate as a provider or to attend this event. To reserve your free table, or for more information, please contact Terri Woodruff at(207) 255-3741 or email

Roundtable 2018:
March 23, 2018
The Roundtable is a great place for mental health therapists to learn from one another and to support each other while earning CEU’s.  We will meet at the Harrington Family Health Center from 9-4:30 PM for two workshops (6 CEU’s):

  • School-based Play Therapy for Traumatized Children: A Systems Approach (Brittany Ray, MS in School Counseling and Sue Carroll Duffy, Psy.D., RPT-S)
  • Healing Stories in Play Therapy (Sarah Waite, Retired LCSW)

For more details and to register go to: By The Sea Seminars—Roundtable 2018  (APT Approved Provider #04-144).

Local Food Map-a-Thon:
March 24, 2018 – Axiom Technologies, Machias
March 31, 2018 – WCCC, Calais
Please join Healthy Acadia and Washington County Council of Governments for this hands-on workshop from 9 am to 12 pm to get producers, harvesters, fishermen, retailers and any other entities or businesses dealing with local food on the Maine Food Atlas.  Choice of 2 locations – see flyer for details.

Adult MH First Aid Training:
March 26, 2018
The Maine Seacoast Mission is sponsoring an Adult Mental Health First Aid course from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at the EdGE Center on the Mission’s Downeast Campus, 7 Weald Bethel Lane, Cherryfield.  There is no fee to attend. Register here.

Legal Issues regarding Substance Use in the Workplace: 
March 29, 2018 (postponed from March 8th)
From 9 am to 12 Noon the law firm of Drummond Woodsum will present a free workshop for employers anxious to learn the legal ramifications of working with employees using medical Cannabis in light of legislation such as “The Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act” and “The Americans with Disabilities Act.”  Questions will be encouraged and practical tips offered for challenging or awkward conversations and situations.  Sunrise County Economics Council is coordinating this workshop at the University of Maine, Machias in Science 102, with a teleconference option for participants to attend simultaneously at Washington County Community College in the Assembly Room.  Contact Amy Lentz at or 207-255-0983 .  See this flyer for detail.

Lives in the Balance:
April 2, 2018
The GEAR Parent Network invites you to hear child psychologist Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions at the Windham High School from 6 – 8 pm. See flyer for details.

Healing Gardens BBL:
April 4, 2018
Elin MacKinnon, LCSW will present a brown bag lunch for the CCC – Healing Gardens: Horticultural Therapy – on April 4th in the large conference room at SCEC from 11:30 am to 1 pm.  Join us for a brief history and introduction to the profession of horticultural therapy – how it works and where it’s practiced.  The focus of this Brown Bag learning session will be on how participants can explore, encourage and support healing garden activities in all kinds of settings and will all kinds of clients.  We’ll end with a fun hands on activity.  Bring your lunch and we’ll provide  beverages and dessert.  RSVP to Christine.

Machias Job Fair: 
April 5, 2018
Postponed from March 13th due to snow, the Machias Career Center is holding a job fair on April 5th from 10 am to 1 pm.  This is a great opportunity to meet face-to-face with recruiters.

Crack Cocaine Info Session: 
April 10, 2018
The CCC is presenting Crack CocaineInformation for direct service workers – a free seminar from 9 am to 12 Noon at the Cobscook Community Learning Center in Trescott.  Agents Ralph Pineo, Matt Cashman and Steven Saucier from the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency’s Downeast Taskforce will provide an overview of Crack Cocaine use in Washington County and what to look for if you are a home visitor, case manager, substance use counselor, DHHS worker, etc.  Contact Hour Certificates will be provided.  Register here by Monday, April 2nd.

Partnering to Prevent DV: 
April 10, 2018 – Presque Isle
April 12, 2018 – Bangor
The Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence is sponsoring 3 free trainings across Maine specifically for faith based communities. The first training is on April 10th in Presque Isle –  register here.  The second training is on April 12th in Bangor – register here.

MANP Training: 
April 11, 2018
The Maine Association of Nonprofits is holding a training on Graceful Grammar and Punchy Punctuation: Everyday Writing for your Organization from 1-4 pm at the Machias Savings Bank Training Center.  See flyer for details.

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training: 
April 12, 2018
NAMI Maine’s Youth Mental Health First Aid Training at the Cherryfield Academy Community Center.  Details about this event are here. You can also Download general informationabout Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings.

NYU Dental Clinic: 
April 9-14, 2018
Partnering with the Washington County Children’s Program of Sunrise Opportunities, the NYU Dental Clinic will be operating out of the Lee Pellon Center in Machias – no charge to patients.  See flyer for details.

Period of Purple Crying:
April 20, 2018
The Washington County CAN Council invites parents and providers to a free community workshop on a new way to help all families and providers better understand this stage of a baby’s life from 3-4 pm at Sunrise Opportunities at 232 Court Street, Machias.  See flyer to register.

Caregiver Basic Skills:  
April 25, 2018
Family and other informal caregivers are invited to a free, hands-on workshop at Marshall Healthcare Facility in Machias from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.  Rosemary Nevala, RN and Pamela Grant, CNA, will teach participants how to safely move a frail or heavy person; provide advice on hygiene care for persons with dementia; and review what to do and what not to do during caregiving emergencies.  other supports for caregivers will be discussed.  Space is limited so don’t delay – register now or forward this flyer to caregivers you know.

Elder Abuse Summit:
May 10, 2018
5th annual conference on Elder Abuse, hosted by the Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention at the Augusta Civic Center.  See flyer for details or visit MCEAP’s website.

Childcare Provider Training – Calais: 
May 15, 2018
The Washington County CAN Council is offering a free Strengthen Maine Families training for childcare providers from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Frank Beckett Center Conference Room, 19 Eaton Street, Calais. See flyer for details.  Free dinner and childcare provided.

Maine Infant Mental Health Conference:
May 18, 2018
Registration is open for the 31st annual Maine Association for Infant Mental Health Conference in Freeport featuring Jayne Singer, PhD.  See brochure for details.

Estate Planning Seminar:
May 22, 2018
Washington County Thriving in Place is bringing Rebecca J. Sargent, Esq. of Jones, Kuriloff & Sargent, LLC in Ellsworth, to Machias for a  three-hour seminar on Estate Planning Basics.  This free event will provide strategies to give caregivers and family members the legal and financial resources to care for loved ones and themselves. Topics include Powers of Attorney, Advanced Care Directives, Wills & Trusts and asset protection.  This seminar will be held at the Kay Parker Building of Sunrise Opportunities in Machias from 1 to 4 pm.  Register here and share this flyer with friends, colleagues and clients.

Maine Child Welfare Conference:
June 21, 2018
Save this date for the 24th annual Maine Child Welfare Conference, Navigating Pathways for Families in Recovery, with Keynote speaker, Nancy K. Young, PhD, MSW, at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. See flyer for details.

Maine Geriatrics Conference:
June 14-15, 2018
Early bird registration for the 28th annual Maine Geriatrics Conference at the Harborside Hotel in Bar Harbor begins now through May 1st.  CEUs and contact hours from the UNE.  Sponsorship funding is available to support community older adults participating in the conference.  See the brochure for descriptions of this year’s exciting workshops, fireside chats and more.

SAVVY Caregiver Training:
August 22 – September 26, 2018
This free course provides skills,knowledge and emotional support to assist informal caregivers who are caring for a family member or friend with dementia.  Lisa King will present this 2-hour class each Wednesday over a 6-week period beginning August 22nd at the Maine Veterans’ Home in Machias. See flyer for details and forward to caregivers who could benefit.

Classes & Groups

Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Program:
Begining March 20th from 5 pm to 6 pm on Tuesdays
Healthy Acadia is accepting applicants for its 2018 Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Program to in Machias – a free, yearlong program. The class will meet in the conference room of DHHS’s Machias office, located at 38 Prescott Drive. For more information, please contact Angela Fochesato at 255-3741 or Healthy Acadia’s Diabetes Prevention Program is supported by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration. See Flyer for details.

Fathers’ Connection: 
Thursdays from from March 22nd to June 14th, 5:30 — 8:00 pm
Join the Nurturing Father’s Program for fathers of children ages prenatal – 12 at 232 Court Street, Machias.  See flyer for details about this free program. Call/text Mandie Pepperman @ (207) 263-5270 to register.Cooperative Parenting Through

Calais Area Breast Cancer Support Group: will be meeting on March 23rd at 3 pm in the downstairs parlor of the Calais United Methodist Church, 849 Main Street, Calais.  This free “gathering” is a comforting and safe environment to find encouragement and hope.  Open to all that have a breast cancer diagnosis.  FMI call Marianne at 454-0501.

Separation & Divorce: 
The Washington County CAN Council is holding free parent connection classes for Calais area and Machias area parents:

  • Calais Parents: Tuesdays, April 3rd — May 22nd from 5-7 pm at Washington County Community College.  See flyer for registration.
  • Machias Parents: Wednesdays, April 11th — May 30th from 5-7 pm at Sunrise Opportunities/232 Court Street, Machias. See flyer for registration.

Grief Support Group to begin in Calais: Anthony Giard of Mays Funeral Home and Pam Helmstadter, LCPC, with Don Greene of Downeast Hospice Volunteers, are starting a support group for people who have lost loved ones.  The group will meet for 2 hours twice a month to help people connect with others who are grieving for social support as well as to learn some techniques to help cope with grief and loss. There is no charge to attend. The first meeting will be held on April 5th from 6-8 pm at the Calais United Methodist Church at 849 Main Street. For more information, contact Anthony 454-3141 at or Pam at 454-0407.

Rent Smart Classes: 
April 25, May 3, May 10, May 17 from 10 am -12 noon
Downeast Community Partners (DCP) and The Next Step are joining to bring a community renter’s education class to a location in Machias this spring.  The class is for renters and will meet weekly. Class size is limited, so please respond by April 13th to reserve your space, using this form.

Needs & Offers

Car Seat Safety Techs Needed: Currently Washington County has only a handful of certified car seat safety technicians and one distribution site for car seats, yet 90% of car seats are installed incorrectly.  The Bureau of Highway Safety is holding a car seat safety training to certify/re-certify techs May 14-17th at Eastern Community College in Bangor.  The training runs from 8 am to 5 pm each day, with a community safety check event on the last day.  The Training is free, except for an $85 fee for materials and certification.  Register here

Office Equipment – Offer: The CCC has the following gently used equipment to give away

  • Brother 2820 Fax Machine with extra toner cartridge
  • Black AT&T CL2939 office phone

Contact Christine if interested

Elder Services Navigator Position: Downeast Community Partners (DCP) is seeking to hire a part time Elder Services Navigator to assist elders, caregivers, and providers as they navigate and secure services.  See job description for details.

Reflective Supervision Training: The CCC is seeking interest in reflective supervision training, a distinct form of supervision that explores parallel relationships between practitioner and supervisor, between practitioner and parent, and between parent and infant/toddler, (read a fuller description of reflective supervision here).  If you would like to know more about this powerful tool for preventing provider burnout, please contact Julie Redding.

Good Karma Bags: During the month of March, every Community Bag sold at the Hannaford store in Machias will generate a $1 donation to support Downeast Community Partners!  These bags can be found on the reusable bag rack and at various registers.

Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting or housing needs.

Favorite Resources

Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers. 
UMaine Center on Aging NewsletterAging research has been selected for recognition by the Office of the Provost as an Emerging Area of Excellence at UMaine. This is the place for links to articles, reports, webinars and trainings, as well as funding opportunities on a range of age-related topics.


Maine Resilience Building Network: The date and location for the next meeting has changed to April 12, 2018 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm at The Ice Vault, 203 Whitten Road, Hallowell.

Caregivers Support Group: Join other family/informal caregivers monthly for a supportive meeting at the Maine Veterans Home in Machias, facilitated by Lisa King, LCPC, on the first Friday of the month from 2-4 pm.  Contact Lisa King for more information.

Work Group & Poverty Busters: Meets on the first Wednesday of the month – next meeting is April 4th from 1 — 3:30 pm at SCEC, immediately following a brown bag lunch on Healing Gardens: Horticultural Therapy presented by Elin MacKinnon.

Photo courtesy of Susan Bennett