CCC Wednesday Communique — August 1, 2018

Happy Wednesday!

This is the Community Caring Collaborative Weekly Communiqué where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners.  Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the Events section, and job postings and other items of interest in the Announcements section.  Subscribe here to get the Communiqué.  Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at  Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab. This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included.  Thanks!

Photo above: It’s finally here – Caregiver Basic Skills part 2! Learn more in the announcement below.


Caregiver Basic Skills Training 2: The Community Caring Collaborative is excited to announce that registration is open for the 2nd training in our Caregiver Basic Skills series: Responding as a Caregiver, from 9 am to 12:30 pm on October 16th in the large conference room at Sunrise County Economic Council, 7 Ames Way, Machias.  Rosemary Nevala, RN and Pamela Grant, CNA, reprise their roles from the first training as presenters.  This free training focuses on communication styles, dietary tips, caregiver stress and other topics family caregivers struggle with. Space is limited to 20 participants so please forward this flyer to staff, colleagues and family who may benefit from these skills.  Registration deadline is October 9th or when the class is filled, whichever comes first.  Register on the CCC’s website via the calendar of events or link on the home page. The Caregiver Basic Skills training series is part of the Washington County Thriving in Place Initiative, funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation.

American Sign Language: WCCC will be offering an American Sign Language course beginning September 5th that will meet every Wednesday night from 5:30 to 8:30. The course will cover ASL vocabulary, fingerspelling, numbers, visual-gestural communication and more! Cost is $363.88 + text book.  Call 454-1000 to sign up.  More info on this flyer.

Bullying Prevention Trainings: the International Bullying Prevention Association is conducting two learning events in Augusta, Maine on August 17:
•    Empowerment Training for Students to Create Positive Change in Their Schools and Communities: This FREE training is open to the first 15 teams (Four students/1-2 adults) that register!
•    Bullying Prevention through SEL and Kindness: One-day conference for ONLY $50!
Check out the details on the flyers above and REGISTER TODAY!

Medicaid Expansion Enrollment Training: Maine Equal Justice Partners is holding an online training for people who want to help eligible Mainers access health care, Wednesday, August 8th, from 3:30 to 5 pm. More info on this flyer.  Sign up for this online training here.

AmeriCorps Community Service Projects RFP: AmeriCorps is seeking applications from non-profits and other organizations who would benefit from a team of 8-12 to serve on community based service learning projects in the spring, summer or fall of 2019.  Projects would focus on: Natural and Other Disasters, Energy conservation, Environmental Stewardship, infrastructure Improvement, and Urban and Rural Development.  Download this brochure for information on how to apply.

Invest in Tomorrow Survey: Invest in Tomorrow is a diverse group of stakeholders from around the state working together to identify key strategies to reduce child poverty and to leverage opportunity for families and build Maine’s workforce.  This ONLINE SURVEY will inform the group’s recommended strategies and strategic plan, which they will publish this fall. In particular, the group is looking for community input to learn:
1. What solutions will best help Maine families meet their basic needs?
2. What solutions will do the most to increase employment opportunity and work supports for low income parents in Maine?
For more information about Invest in Tomorrow or this survey, please contact Joby Thoyalil from Maine Equal Justice Partners at 626-7058 x207 or at

No Wednesday Communique on August 22nd: Our editor will be on vacation the week of August 22nd so get your announcements in before August 14th if they can’t wait until the August 29th issue.

Your announcement could go here: email the details to Christine by 5 pm Monday for inclusion in Wednesday’s Weekly Communiqué.


This is where we post updates on programs, initiatives and pending legislation.

One-Time Events 

Medicaid Expansion Enrollment Training:
August 8, 2018
Maine Equal Justice Partners is holding an online training for people who want to help eligible Mainers access health care, next Wednesday from 3:30 to 5 pm. More info on this flyer.  Sign up for this online training here.

Bullying Prevention Trainings: 
August 17, 2018
the International Bullying Prevention Association is conducting two learning events in Augusta, Maine:
•    Empowerment Training for Students to Create Positive Change in Their Schools and Communities: This FREE training is open to the first 15 teams (Four students/1-2 adults) that register!
•    Bullying Prevention through SEL and Kindness: One-day conference for ONLY $50!
Check out the details on the flyers above and REGISTER TODAY!

Next MRBN membership meeting: 
August 30, 2018
9 – 11 am at  Educare, 56 Drummond Avenue, Waterville – Special Celebration! In addition to conducting a small amount of MRBN business, the primary focus of our August meeting will be to gather to celebrate one of MRBN’s founders, Sue Mackey Andrews. Sue will be stepping down from MRBN leadership as she focuses her time on training and facilitation. Please join us!

Opioid Overdose Rescue BBL
September 5, 2018
Mark your calendar for 11:45 to 12:45 at SCEC for a brown bag presentation by Joseph Locke from Bangor Public Health and Community Services.  Would you know what to do if someone was experiencing an opioid overdose?  Join us on September 5th to learn some risk factors for experiencing an overdose, symptoms of an overdose, and how to respond to reverse an overdose.  It’s not too early to RSVP to Christine if you plan to attend.

G.E.A.R. Machias Workshop: 
September 7, 2018
The G.E.A.R. Parent Network invites you to  Being a Trauma-Informed Parent: Linking Childhood Trauma to Long-Term Health & Social Consequence, from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 MAS Community Health, 60 Main Street.  Download this flyer for more information.

Fundraiser for Walk to End Alzheimer’s
September 8, 2018
Join Russ’s Angels at the Columbia Town Hall (106 Epping Road, Columbia) from 5:00-7:30 PM for a supper and raffle to raise funds for the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s.  More details in this flyer.

Wisdom Summit:
September 12, 2018
Save this date for the Maine Council on Aging’s 5th Annual Wisdom Summit: Charting the Pathway Forward, at the Augusta Civic Center.  We will take a look at the current state of aging in Maine, examine current challenges and opportunities in housing, transportation, long term supports and services, and health care delivery, and work together to identify strategies for making sure we have what we need to live healthy, engaged lives no matter the type of support we might need. A recent report issued by the Cutler Institute of Health & Social Policy, Charting the Pathway Forward: Redesigning and Realigning Supports and Services for Older Mainers, offers us a framework for the work. If you are interested in exhibiting at the Summit or would like to help with a sponsorship, visit this link to sign up.

Caregiver Basic Skills Training 2
October 16, 2018
Registration is open for the 2nd training in the CCC’s Caregiver Basic Skills series: Responding as a Caregiver, from 9 am to 12:30 pm in the large conference room at Sunrise County Economic Council, 7 Ames Way, Machias.  Rosemary Nevala, RN and Pamela Grant, CNA, reprise their roles from the first training as presenters. This free training focuses on communication styles, dietary tips, caregiver stress and other topics family caregivers struggle with. Space is limited to 20 participants so please forward this flyer to staff, colleagues and family who may benefit from these skills.  Registration deadline is October 9th or when the class is filled, whichever comes first.  Register on the CCC’s website via the calendar of events or link on the home page. The Caregiver Basic Skills training series is part of the Washington County Thriving in Place Initiative, funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation.

Serial Classes, Groups & Play Dates

American Sign Language:
5:30 – 8:30 pm
WCCC will be offering an American Sign Language course beginning September 5th that will meet every Wednesday night. The course will cover ASL vocabulary, fingerspelling, numbers, visual-gestural communication and more! Cost is $363.88 + text book.  Call 454-1000 to sign up.  More info on this flyer.

CNA Certification Training:
5:30 – 8:30 pm
Axiom Education & Training Center has rescheduled the cancelled CNA Certification Training with instructor Rosemary Nevala, RN, to begin on September 10th.  Read this flyer for more information on this 180 hour evening course in Machias.

Community of Practice Groups:
6-8 pm
Maine Roads to Quality invites Early Care & Education professionals to join one of 2 community of practice groups (see flyers below):

For more information or to register, please contact Theresa Fisk, District Early Childhood and Youth Coordinator –  207-956-2070 or email:

SAVVY Caregiver Training:
August 24 – September 28, 2018, Fridays, 2-4 pm
This free course provides skills,knowledge and emotional support to assist informal caregivers who are caring for a family member or friend with dementia.  Lisa King will present this 2-hour class each Friday over a 6-week period beginning August 24th at the Maine Veterans’ Home in Machias. See flyer for details and forward to caregivers who could benefit.

Standing Meetings

Calais Area Breast Cancer Support Group: meets on the 4th Friday of each month at 3 PM at the Calais United Methodist Church, 849 Main St. (downstairs parlor), in Calais.  This free “gathering” is a comforting and safe environment to find encouragement and hope.  Open to all that have a breast cancer diagnosis.  FMI call Marianne at 454-0501. Download a flyer for more information.

Caregivers Support Group: Join other family/informal caregivers monthly for a supportive meeting at the Maine Veterans Home in Machias, facilitated by Lisa King, LCPC, on the first Friday of the month from 2-4 pm.  Contact Lisa King for more information.

Work Group & Poverty Busters: Join this meeting of direct service providers to share resources and network with other providers in your area.  Notes from June meeting here. Our next meeting is from 1–3:30 pm on August 1st at SCEC.  Download an agenda here.

Needs & Offers

Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting or housing needs.

American Sign Language: WCCC will be offering an American Sign Language course beginning September 5th that will meet every Wednesday night from 5:30 to 8:30. The course will cover ASL vocabulary, fingerspelling, numbers, visual-gestural communication and more! Cost is $363.88 + text book.  Call 454-1000 to sign up.  More info on this flyer.

Invest in Tomorrow Survey: Invest in Tomorrow is a diverse group of stakeholders from around the state working together to identify key strategies to reduce child poverty and to leverage opportunity for families and build Maine’s workforce.  This ONLINE SURVEY will inform the group’s recommended strategies and strategic plan, which they will publish this fall. In particular, the group is looking for community input to learn:
1. What solutions will best help Maine families meet their basic needs?
2. What solutions will do the most to increase employment opportunity and work supports for low income parents in Maine?
For more information about Invest in Tomorrow or this survey, please contact Joby Thoyalil from Maine Equal Justice Partners at 626-7058 x207 or at

Substance Use Coordinator: The CCC is seeking a full-time staff person to contribute to substance-use informed collaborative programming and capacity building in Washington County.  Responsibilities include:

  • Contribute to all aspects of the CCC’s value of being substance-use informed
  • Lead the collaborative design process for substance use recovery and employment programming
  • Deliver trainings on the topic of Substance Use Disorder and its impacts
  • Contribute clinical expertise to existing county-wide efforts to address substance use challenges

Applicants should have:

  • Demonstrated collaborative leadership experience within multi-sector initiatives
  • Experience leading trainings or other educational initiatives that support new skills, knowledge, and values for broad audiences
  • Clinical expertise in Substance Use Disorder and evidence-based substance use treatment
  • Comprehensive knowledge of community health, mental health, treatment, recovery, employment and financial resources.

Cover letter and resume should be sent to: Community Caring Collaborative, Attn: Angela Donaghy, P.O. Box 224, East Machias, ME or  A fuller job description will be posted on the CCC’s website shortly.

Volunteers needed: Next Step is looking for able bodied volunteers that would be willing to put together a child’s wooden play set (swings, slides, etc). We’d like to get this play set up before the end of the summer. For more information or to volunteer, call 255-4934.

Summer Lunch Rocks: The Eastport Summer Lunch Program is in full swing with Summer Lunch Rocks! – lunches and combo lunch/dance parties beginning July 25th in Eastport at various locations.  See flyer for locations, times and dates.

Walk to End Alzheimer’s Fundraiser: The Alzheimer’s Association Eastern Maine Chapter is preparing for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2018 (in Bangor at be held at the Darling’s Waterfront on October 20th).  Mardi Russ’s team, Russ’s Angels, will be hosting a fundraiser at the Columbia Town Hall (106 Epping Road, Columbia) on Saturday, September 8th from 5:00-7:30 PM. We would greatly appreciate any help you could provide. This could come in the form of a monetary contribution, an item to be auctioned, a basket for our raffle, food or drinks for the event or deciding to join our team! The walk is the largest annual fundraising event held by this non-profit organization. The money raised from this event will provide funding for vital research; and fund local programs and services that benefit those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders, as well as their families.  More details in this flyer.

Summer Meals in MachiasDownload this flyer for information on summer meals at Rose M. Gaffney and Elm Street Schools.

Favorite Resources

Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers. 

Alzheimer’s AssociationRecently updated, visit this website to learn about awareness fundraisers like the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, (October 20th in Bangor), research news from the 2018 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference®, 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s and more.

Butterfly Hydrangea – now an heirloom variety