Happy Wednesday!
This is the Community Caring Collaborative Weekly Communiqué where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners. Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the Events section, and job postings and other items of interest in the Announcements section. Subscribe here to get the Communiqué. Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at claurel@cccmaine.org. Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab. This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included. Thanks!
Photo above: Courtesy of Elin MacKinnon
Hiraeth: Recovery Through the Arts: UMM Art Gallery will present a series of cyanotype prints and sculptural objects created by Michel Droge, March 1 – 26, 2019. Drawing from the symbolism of the family pattern woven into fisherman’s sweaters, Droge’s “HIRAETH” opens the door for conversation and community engagement around the opioid epidemic. An opening reception 4–7 p.m. Friday, March 1 is free and open to the public. The Art Gallery in Powers Hall is open 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday. A free papermaking workshop will be led by Michel Droge and professor Bernie Vinzani, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 2. See press release and flyer for details. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, call (207) 255-1342 or visit https://machias.edu/art-gallery/.
Your announcement could go here: email the details to Christine by 5 pm Monday for inclusion in Wednesday’s Weekly Communiqué. Photos and links are appreciated.
This is where we post updates on programs, initiatives and pending legislation.
One-Time Events 
Impulsivity & Disruptive Behaviors in Children & Youth:
February 23, 2019
G.E.A.R. parent network workshop from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Blue Hill Library, 5 Parker Point Rd. Blue Hill (Go ToMeeting™ available) – see flyer for details.
Facebook for Business Class:
February 27 & March 3, 2019
Axiom Education & Training Center is holding a free class on using Facebook for business at the Lubec Community Outreach Center, South Street in Lubec from 6:30 — 8 pm. Call 255-4917 to sign up. Share this flyer with someone who may be interested in taking this class. Limit is 10 so don’t delay.
Advancing 2Gen Strategies in Rural America:
February 28, 2018
Aspen Institute Community Strategies Group and the Rural Development Innovation Group invite you to our ninth lunch panel and discussion in our series: All Together Now: Advancing 2Gen Strategies in Rural America, from 12 — 1:30 pm via livestream or in-person in Washington, DC. Our February 28 America’s Rural Opportunity session will focus on the how-to’s of designing and supporting effective 2Gen efforts in rural places. We will feature practitioner stories from two pathbreaking rural 2Gen efforts – one from Appalachian Western Maryland and another from Downeast Maine (Charley Martin-Berry, Executive Director of the Community Caring Collaborative). We’ll talk about how policy can advance (or hinder) 2Gen, share relevant data on the situation of rural families, and detail ideas for what philanthropy and business and economic development leaders can do to help advance 2Gen efforts. Register for this online event here.
Building a Bridge: Navigating Youth to Adult Transition:
March 1, 2019
G.E.A.R. parent network workshop “It’s So Much Work to Be Your Friend: Helping the Child with
Learning Disabilities Find Social Success” from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.at MAS, 60 Main St, Machias (Go ToMeeting™ available) – see flyer for details.
Hiraeth: Recovery Through the Arts:
March 1-26. 2019
UMM Art Gallery will present a series of cyanotype prints and sculptural objects created by Michel Droge, March 1 – 26, 2019. Drawing from the symbolism of the family pattern woven into fisherman’s sweaters, Droge’s “HIRAETH” opens the door for conversation and community engagement around the opioid epidemic. An opening reception 4–7 p.m. Friday, March 1 is free and open to the public. The Art Gallery in Powers Hall is open 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday. A free papermaking workshop will be led by Michel Droge and professor Bernie Vinzani, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 2. See press releaseand flyer for details. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, call (207) 255-1342 or visit https://machias.edu/art-gallery/.
Transgender Cultural Competence BBL:
March 6, 2019
The CCC invites you to a brown bag lunch on Transgender Cultural Competence: beyond the basics and the binary, presented by Hannah Ruhlin of Health Equity Alliance, from 11:30 — 1 in the large conference room at SCEC (7 Ames Way, Machias). Learn supportive, respectful approaches for communicating with and advocating for transgender children and adults. Bring your lunch and we’ll provide dessert. RSVP to Christine and share this flyerwith colleagues. Participants are welcome to stay for the CCC’s Work Group and Poverty Busters meeting immediately following.
Digging into Farm Accounting in Caribou:
March 15-16, 2019
Maine Farmland Trust (MFT) is offering Digging into Farm Accounting, a free two-day farm accounting workshop, in a relaxed and friendly environment where all questions are welcome, sponsored by Bangor Savings Bank. The session will take place in Caribou on Friday, March 15th from 4 — 7:30 pm and Saturday, March 16th from 9 am — 5 pm at the Northern Maine Development Corporation (NMDC) Board Room at 11 West Presque Isle Road. Workshop participants will receive Julia Shanks’, The Farmers Office: Tools, Tips, & Templates to Successfully Manage a Farm Business. Students will also have access to 11 essential farm business templates including QuickBooks charts of accounts for Mac & PC, and a PowerPoint Investor Presentation Deck. Pre-registration is required by Tuesday, March 12th at noon. Register online. Questions about registration can be directed to Rachel K at the MFT office, rkeidan@mainefarmlandtrust.org or 207.338.6575. Lodging options are available for Friday night in Caribou and Presque Isle. Limited funds are available to help defray some overnight costs for Washington County farmers.
Age-Friendly Healthcare:
March 28, 2019
Join the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging for a free webinar from 12–1:30 pm discussing how health care systems in northern New England are transforming the way care is provided to include an emphasis on what older people want and need. Register here
Roundtable 2019:
March 29, 2019
9-4:30 at Christ Episcopal Church, Eastport
The Roundtable is a chance for area clinicians to gather together in a small group each year and earn CEU’s close to home. It is great way to get hard to find play therapy CEU’s for those seeking or maintaining certification as a registered play therapist. This year our presenter will be Robyn Greene, LCSW. She will present two workshops: 1) Play Therapy and Brain Spotting and 2) Play Therapy and Court. Go to By The Sea Seminars for workshop details and to register. Workshop is limited to 16. APT Approved Provider #04-144.
NYU Dental Clinic:
April 8-13, 2019
Free dental clinic from the New York University School of Dentistry, coordinated by Sunrise Opportunities, at the Lee Pellon Center for children and adults. More details in coming months.
MCH & Substance Exposed Infant Conference:
May 22 & 23, 2019
DHHS’s Maternal and Child Health & Substance Exposed Infant Conference, Building Pathways of Hope and Success, at Jeff’s Catering in Brewer. Registration coming soon. This two day conference is an educational opportunity for clinicians, medical and social service providers, prevention professionals, public health professionals, behavioral health professionals, community members, parents, and others to discuss strategies to optimize maternal and child health. The presenters each day will provide a host of information related to Health Equity, Trauma Informed Care, Eat Sleep Console, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Maternal Depression, Prenatal Substance Exposure, and the many resources available to this population at large.
Maine Geriatrics Conference:
June 13-14, 2019
Registration is open for the 29th annual Maine Geriatrics Conference “where policy meets practice,” at the Harborside Hotel, Bar Harbor. Speaker lineup includes:
- Wendy Lustbader, MSW, University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, WA.
- Toni Miles, MD, PhD, University of Georgia, Athens
- Lewis A. Lipsitz, MD, Institute for Aging Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital Boston, MA
- Mikhail Kogan, MD, George Washington Center for Integrative Medicine, Washington, DC
For more information visit: https://www.une.edu/com/cme/events/geriatrics-conference.
Serial Classes & Groups 
classes, play groups, support circles and other repeating events
2019 WC CAN Council Classes:
- Active Parent Connection, a 4-week course for parents with children 0-5 (in Machias on Wednesdays from 1-2:30 beginning Jan 16th and in Calais on Tuesdays form 3-4:30 beginning Jan 15th)
- Co-Parenting Connection Classes: in Calais on Tuesdays 5 — 7 pm, beginning January 22nd; and at Sunrise Opportunities (232 Court Street), Wednesdays 3 — 4:30 pm beginning January 23rd
Contact Mandie Pepperman with questions about any of these classes at 263-5270.
Certificate in Grandfamilies Leadership course: The University of Maine Center on Aging is pleased to once again offer an online certificate program for professionals and volunteers who work with grandfamily caregivers. beginning February 25, 2019. Participants will complete the 9 modules over a 12-week period, ending May 19, 2019. Cost is $85. See flyer for details. More information and registration link here.
C.N.A. Certification Training: Axiom Education and Training Center is offering this 180-hour training Tuesdays through Thursdays (4:30 – 8:30 pm) and Fridays (7:30 am to 5:00 pm) beginning February 19, 2019. Locations are Axiom Education and Training Center Classroom time and Marshall Health Care Facility for Clinical and Lab training. Cost is $1,575.93 (scholarships available). Course instructor is Brenda Dugan. Students are required to provide:
- Scrubs any color, no leggings accepted
- A wrist watch with second hand. Not digital
- Comfortable shoes for clinical
- Stethoscope only if you prefer using your own
For more information contact: Cassidy Stevens @ 207-255-4917.
G.E.A.R. “Parenting with Dignity: Picking Up this Ball is a Victory for All!” nine hour parenting education course developed by Mac Bledsoe, at Belfast Head Start, 275 High St, Belfast beginning March 4th. See flyer for times and dates.
Nurturing Program: The CAN Council invites parents to a multi-session educational program sharing tips and tricks to help navigate the difficult challenges of parenting. Lots of opportunity for discussion and questions – free refreshments and childcare. Text/call Mandie at 263-5270 to sign up. See flyer for locations and dates.
Calais Circle of Parents Playgroup:
The WC CAN Council with partner Maine Families is holding a playgroup on Tuesdays 11 am – 12 pm beginning in September at the Calais Recreation Center, 344 Main Street. “Get a chance to meet other parents while your kiddo gets some energy out.” Contact Mandie Pepperman with questions at is 263-5270.
Community of Practice Groups:
6-8 pm
Maine Roads to Quality invites Early Care & Education professionals to join one of 2 community of practice groups (see flyers below):
- Calais area – 6-8 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at WCCC, room 301
- Machias/Harrington/Milbridge area – 6-8 pm on the 3rd Monday each month at a Machias location tbd
For more information or to register, please contact Theresa Fisk, District Early Childhood and Youth Coordinator – 207-956-2070 or email: theresa.fisk@maine.edu.
Standing Meetings 
Monthly and quarterly meetings
2019 MRBN: Save these dates for Maine Resilience Building Network meetings held at EduCare in Waterville:
- March 28, 2019
- May 30, 2019
- Sept 26, 2019
- October 31, 2019
Washington County Food Pantry Network: Washington County Food and Fuel Alliance invites you to mark your calendar for the next meeting of this county-wide organization. The network offers technical and infrastructure support and education to all of the county’s pantries as well as to provide an opportunity for pantries to share successes and struggles. Dessert, beverages and gas cards will be provided to all food pantry participants. Meeting dates (Thursdays) and locations for 2019 are as follows:
- March 7, 1-4 pm ( March 21 for a snow date) at Eastport’s Labor of Love Food Pantry, 137 County Road, (route 190), Eastport – download agenda here.
- June 6, 1-4 pm; Location to be determined.
- Oct 3, 1-4 pm; Location to be determined.
Questions? Contact Regina Grabrovac at our Machias Healthy Acadia office by phone at 255 3741 or by email at regina@healthyacadia.org
Calais Area Breast Cancer Support Group: meets on the 4th Friday of each month at 3 PM at the Calais United Methodist Church, 849 Main St. (downstairs parlor), in Calais. This free “gathering” is a comforting and safe environment to find encouragement and hope. Open to all that have a breast cancer diagnosis. FMI call Marianne at 454-0501. Download a flyer for more information.
Caregivers Support Group: Join other family/informal caregivers monthly for a supportive meeting at the Maine Veterans Home in Machias, facilitated by Lisa King, LCPC, on the first Friday of the month from 2-4 pm. Contact Lisa King for more information.
Work Group & Poverty Busters: Join this meeting of direct service providers to share resources and network with other providers in your area. The next meeting is March 6th, in the large conference room at SCEC, 7 Ames Way, from 1 — 3:00 pm with another 30 minutes for informal networking and discussion. Preceding this meeting is a brown bag lunch on Transgender Cultural Competence: beyond the basics and the binary, presented by Hannah Ruhlin of Health Equity Alliance, from 11:30 — 1.
Needs & Offers 
Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting or housing needs.
Sunrise Community Connections: Are you a senior who would like to have someone stop by and visit you now and then? You may want to play your favorite board or card games, put a puzzle together, work on a small project or just sit and chat. No cost or other catch. Please call Rob Hood, Director at S.C.C., if you’re interested in more information at 207-255-8858 or email hood@sun-rise.tv. Download a flyer to share with friends.
Keurig Needed: Family Futures Downeast is looking for a new or used Keurig – any style, for the UMM Family Room. This is a child-friendly space on campus where parents meet with tutors, the FFD coach and have a place to study that is equipped with internet, a printer, school supplies, and of course, toys and games to keep kids busy while parents are getting work done. We keep the Family Room stocked with healthy snacks for parents & kids, and have coffee, water and juice. Our old Keriug is broken – and how is a college student supposed to study without coffee!?!!? LOL! Anyone able to donate can contact Marsha Sloan or Jasmine Bassett at 255-0983, or jbassett@sunrisecounty.org or msloan@sunrisecounty.org.
In Town Routes: Downeast Community Partners offers low cost bus routes in Milbridge, Eastport and Machias open to the general public for “banking, pharmacy, doctor appointments, grocery store and even to visit a friend.” Download the flyers above for more information on routes, dates, times and the number to call to reserve a ride.
Pine Tree Legal is Hiring! Pine Tree Legal Assistance has an immediate opening for a full-time staff attorney in its Machias field office, which serves low-income residents of Washington and Hancock County. Job description and application instructions are available here.
Calling All Farmers: The Maine Senior FarmShare Program is looking to partner with new farms in Washington and Hancock counties. Through the program, farmers provide fresh, unprocessed, locally grown produce to low-income seniors. Each participating senior receives a share of produce worth $50 during the growing season, at no cost to the senior. Farms are prepaid in advance for the produce they commit to growing for enrolled seniors. Visit Healthy Acadia’s website for more information
Facebook Needs & Offers Group: Got a client looking for a couch? See a couch at a garage sale? Join Poverty Busters’ Resource Connection – a facebook group that connects needs with offers 24/7. Here’s a link to request access to this group. Before posting, please make sure to review the ground rules – thanks!
SNAP for Seniors: Jack Comart with Maine Equal Justice Partners has put together an informational sheet about Food Supplement (SNAP) benefits for people who are 60 or older or disabled (download here), forwarded by Hilary Fernald of LSE to help promote SNAP enrollment among these vulnerable populations in Washington and Hancock Counties. This can also be found on MEJP’s website.
Reusable, plastic interior storm windows: Maine Seacoast Mission has purchased these easy to install, no blow dryer or plastic sheeting needed, storm window inserts and are offering them free of charge. They can be adapted to any size window and are clear, high-quality plastic. Contact Scott Shaw at 546-5869 for more information or email Charley or Christine at the CCC if you’d like to pick up a kit. The CCC is storing two sizes, typical window size and extra-large (sliding door size) in our office at 7 Ames Way, Machias.
CCC Partner Survey: As the CCC finishes the final year of our 3-year strategic plan, we’re evaluating how well we accomplished our goals and commitments to you and to community members in Washington County. Our intern, MSW student Nicole Cannizzaro, has compiled data for participation in CCC activities by collaborative partners over the past year. Highlights of this look back reveal that:
- A total of 61 organizations interacted with the CCC;
- Partners showed up 139 times to monthly convenings of Work Group/Poverty Busters and CCC;
- 27 partner organizations participated in program efforts like Thriving in Place, Family Futures Downeast, and Mentor/Neighbor design;
- 24 partner organizations participated in the June 12th Family Discovery Day in Calais; and
- 130 applications from partner organizations were submitted to the Hope and Dream Funds.
- 392 people attended CCC Trainings.
But numbers alone can’t paint a full picture of the CCC’s impact, so we’re asking you to complete a simple survey on the effectiveness of the CCC in its 4 major areas of commitment. We are excited to read your responses and thankful for your time, your honesty, and your partnership! Here is a link to the survey. Thank you!
Favorite Resources 
Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers.