Welcome to the 2021 Infant Family Support Specialist Training. On this page you will find a course outline with readings and links to evaluation forms to be completed after the 2nd session each week.
Week 1: Introduction, Overview of IFSS Roles and Skills
1A: Tuesday, January 26th 12-3pm
1B: Friday, January 29th 9-12pm
Fill out Evaluation form for Week 1
Week 2: Impact of Poverty on IFSS Practice
2A: Tuesday, February 2nd 12-3pm
2B: Friday, February 5th 9-12pm
2018 Federal Poverty Guidelines, office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – website
Fill out Evaluation form for Week 2
Week 3: Trauma and its Impact and Implications
3A: Tuesday, February 9th, 12-3pm
3B: Friday, February 12th 9-12
Fill out Evaluation form for Week 3
Week 4: Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health Issues in Adults
4A: Tuesday, February 16th 12-3pm
4B: Friday, February 19th 9-12pm
Prenatal Substance Abuse: Short- and Long-term Effects on the Exposed Fetus, Marylou Behnke, Vincent C. Smith, COMMITTEE ON SUBSTANCE ABUSE and COMMITTEE ON FETUS AND NEWBORN, Pediatrics; originally published online February 25, 2013
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), SAMHSA, (1/4/2021) – website.
Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome, Stephen W. Patrick, Wanda D. Barfield, Brenda B. Poindexter and COMMITTEE ON FETUS AND NEWBORN, COMMITTEE ON SUBSTANCE USE AND PREVENTION, Pediatrics, (originally published online 10/26/2020)
Binge Pattern of Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy and Childhood Mental Health Outcomes: Longitudinal Population-Based Study Kapil Sayal, Jon Heron, Jean Golding, Rosa Alati, George Davey Smith, Ron Gray and Alan Emond, Pediatrics (2009) 123, e289-e296
Fill out Evaluation form for Week 4
Week 5: IFSS Intervention and Relationships, Summary and Wrap-up
5A: Tuesday, February 23rd 12-3pm
5B: Thursday, February 25th 9-12pm
The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale: What Is It? Boston Children’s Hospital website.
Early Childhood Adversity, Toxic Stress, and the Role of the Pediatrician: Translating Developmental Science Into Lifelong Health, Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and Dependant Care, and Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Andrew S. Garner, Jack P. Shonkoff, Benjamin S. Siegel, Mary I. Dobbins, Marian F. Earls, Andrew S. Garner, Laura McGuinn, John Pascoe and David L. Wood, Pediatrics 2012;129;e224, originally published online December 26, 2011
Fill out Evaluation form for Week 5