Toggle font size Test Survey Step 1 of 4 25% 1. Which of the following do you most identify with? (please select one) Professional working with people impacted by substance use disorder Affected other (I know someone impacted by SUD) Recovery ally (I support people in recovery) Other 2. Pick the 3 top barriersWhat do you see as barriers to employing individuals in recovery or with a criminal history? (select the top 3 that you see are the most significant) Employer’s lack of understanding about addiction and resource Substance use at the workplace/safety risks Criminal behaviors at the workplace Employer unable to work around treatment schedules Criminal record Stigma related to addiction Lack of or cost of childcare Lack of transportation Lack of job training/skills/education Missing legal documents required (i.e. driver’s license, social security card, etc) Other 2a. If "Other," please specify 3. What resources or supports are needed?What resources or support do you believe would make employers feel more comfortable with employing individuals in recovery? (check all that apply) Connection to substance use & recovery services Training for staff at all levels Tax credits and fidelity bonding Help navigating legal implications Mentorship from an RFW Mentor Other 3a. If "Other," please specify4. Which of these do you think is needed?What do you believe community members in recovery need to move forward in pursuing or advancing in their job? (select all that apply) Education Resume writing Interview skills Job skills training An employer that supports recovery Connection to career & recovery resources Other 4a. If "other," please specify 5. Giving your business to a Recovery Friendly Workplace:On a scale of 1-5, are you more likely to give your business to a Recovery Friendly Workplace? 1 being least likely, 5 being most likely1. (Least Likely)2. (Unlikely)3. (Neutral)4. (Likely)5. (Most Likely)6. What do you believe are the key elements needed?(Required)In a few sentences, please tell us what you believe are the key elements of a successful Recovery Friendly Workplace 7. What is your connection to Washington County?(please select all that apply) I live in Washington County I work in Washington County Other 7a. If "other," please specifyCAPTCHA