Happy Wednesday!

Have you seen this guy sneaking around your bird feeder?
New this Week
Informal Conversation on Food Access — tomorrow!
Healthy Acadia’s Washington County Food Council is considering ways in which to be most valuable to our community in light of COVID-19. Join us for a Zoom conference call tomorrow, Thursday, April 16 from 5:30 – 7 pm. This meeting will be focused on food access options for our homebound community members and an update from Regina and the Food and Fuel Alliance board members who recently met. Get the Zoom invitation in the One-Time Events section of this newsletter.
Recovery Coaching Basics — Online
Healthy Acadia is excited to offer a FREE online CCAR training Recovery Coaching Basics on April 29th from 11 — 3 pm. The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) 8-hour training is facilitated by Denise Black and Terri Woodruff, CCAR Authorized Trainers. Download a flyer for details. Contact Denise Black or Terri Woodruff for more information. Register here for a training session.
Caregiver Monday:
An Initiative Dedicated To Helping Caregivers Take Care of Themselves
The Monday Campaigns, a nonprofit public health initiative, has announced Sherri Snelling, caregiving expert and corporate gerontologist, is taking a leading role with Caregiver Monday, a program dedicated to supporting the self-care of 65 million family caregivers by offering weekly health and wellness practices, research and collaborative activities through partner organizations. Family caregivers are under added stress now, with older people being more vulnerable to COVID-19. The Caregiver Monday program will be offered through Caregiving Club, a leading organization founded by Snelling that calls attention to the issues facing caregivers by offering practical health, wellness and resource-based information. Every month, the program will offer a themed article with evidence-based research information on specific topics related to caregiver self-care, as well as provide weekly practices and health promotions related to that monthly theme. Organizations supporting the campaign can access these materials on the updated Caregiver Monday site.
UMaine Health Connection Chats
The University of Maine Center on Aging is holding a series of free Zoom/phone chats featuring live, practical information and tips for staying health for Maine’s 60+ citizens and other high risk residents during COVID-19. The series will be broadcast on Wednesdays from 11 am to 12 pm beginning April 15th. Download the schedule. Sessions will be recorded and be made available here.
Innovations in Medicare Advantage that Support Healthy Aging
Join the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging on April 28th from 12:00-1:30 to hear some of the innovative approaches Medicare Advantage plans are taking to support healthy aging. A recent rule provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is changing the categories of products and services to be reimbursed as primarily “health-related” benefits under Medicare Advantage. CMS said the insurers will be permitted to provide care and devices that prevent or treat illness or injuries, compensate for physical impairments, address the psychological effects of illness or injuries, or reduce emergency medical care. Learn more and register here.
Engaging Community Food Sources During COVID-19
On Tuesday, May 12th from 12:00 to 1:30, the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging will present an Idea and Experience Exchange: Wisdom Inquiry session on engaging community food sources during COVID-19. Has your lifelong community initiative developed a hot meal to go program instead of a weekly hot meal? Is your food pantry developing new ways to meet the needs in your community? Are restaurants, local grocery stores, and farmers finding new ways to deliver food safely to their customers? Are you planning a “Victory Garden”? If you know about any of these in your community, please come prepared to share. People who attend this webinar will leave inspired with new ways to engage community food sources during COVID-19 and beyond. Register here.
if you are aware of a senior in need….
Healthy Acadia would like to share an Eastern Area Agency on Aging link to refer people for all services including the Meals on Wheels program. Please share this information widely!
2 new guides to the COVID-19 Relief Programs
- The COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide (PDF, 349 KB) is a first-of-its-kind resource for rural leaders looking for federal funding and partnership opportunities to help address this pandemic.
- Rep. Jared Golden’s guide to help small businesses and non-profit organizations understand the new measures passed by Congress available to them and decide on a course of action.
And in case you missed it last week:
3 easy ways to get important COVID-19 Updates
Healthy Acadia and Sunrise County Economic Council both offer weekly e-newsletters filled with important updates and information to help cope with COVID-19 impacts, while Pine Tree Legal has a whole section of updates and info on their website. Learn more in the Updates section of this newsletter
Updates on programs, research, initiatives and pending legislation
Healthy Acadia’s Community Updates
Healthy Acadia has shifted their monthly e-newsletter to a weekly compilation of updates on the changing status of programs and services they and their partners provide, as well as tips and guidelines on topics like working from home and coping in times of crisis. Check out their newsletter here.
SCEC’s Weekly Updates
Sunrise County Economic Council has also shifted their e-newsletter, Local Happenings, from focusing on non-profit events in Washington County to an extensive listing of COVID-19 response updates for employers, small businesses, non-profits and community members. Organized by category, this is a comprehensive list of important and timely resources and guidance, such as Employee Retention Credit-FAQs from the IRS, COVID-19 Information for Agriculture and Food Businesses, and distance learning ideas from Maine Adult Education. Subscribe here (scroll down to the middle of the page).
PTLA’s Website
While Pine Tree Legal Assistance staff are now strictly helping clients by phone, they have added a COVID-19 page to their website covering updates and important information, such as Home Foreclosure and COVID-19 FAQ, Car Loans & COVID-19 FAQ, and information on the courts, court-ordered parental rights agreements, and visitation. Visit this page of their website.
One-Time Events
Fairs, trainings, conferences and more in the state of Maine
Please consult with the organizations hosting the following events for up-to-date information on cancellations and postponements
Informal Conversation on Food Access — tomorrow!
April 16, 2020
Healthy Acadia’s Washington County Food Council is considering ways in which to be most valuable to our community in light of COVID-19. Join us for a Zoom conference call tomorrow from 5:30 – 7 pm. This meeting will be focused on food access options for our homebound community members and an update from Regina and the Food and Fuel Alliance board members who recently met. Zoom Invitation below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 6699 2613
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,99866992613# US (New York)
+13126266799,,99866992613# US (Chicago)
Please reach out to Regina prior to the call, if you would like Zoom access support.
April 27-May 2, 2020 – this event has been postponed
Dental Clinic Conversation
April 28, 2020 – this event has been postponed
We will reschedule this conversation with with NYU Dental School students once the Dental Clinic’s new dates have been confirmed.
Innovations in Medicare Advantage that Support Healthy Aging
April 28th, 2020
Join the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging from 12:00-1:30 to hear some of the innovative approaches Medicare Advantage plans are taking to support healthy aging. A recent rule provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is changing the categories of products and services to be reimbursed as primarily “health-related” benefits under Medicare Advantage. CMS said the insurers will be permitted to provide care and devices that prevent or treat illness or injuries, compensate for physical impairments, address the psychological effects of illness or injuries, or reduce emergency medical care. Learn more and register here.
Recovery Coaching Basics — Online
April 29, 2020
Healthy Acadia is excited to offer a FREE online CCAR training Recovery Coaching Basics 29th from 11–3 pm. The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) 8-hour training is facilitated by Denise Black and Terri Woodruff, CCAR Authorized Trainers. Download a flyer for details. Contact Denise Black or Terri Woodruff for more information. Register here for a training session.
Building Resilience with Hope
May 5, 2020 — this event has been postponed to September 15th
See September 15th description of this event.
The Healing Garden Brown Bag Lunch
May 6, 2020 — this event has been cancelled
DV Training for Mental Health Care Professionals
May 7 & 8, 2020 – this event has been cancelled
Engaging Community Food Sources During COVID-19
Tuesday, May 12th, 2020
On Tuesday, May 12 from 12:00 to 1:30, the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging will present an Idea and Experience Exchange: Wisdom Inquiry session on engaging community food sources during COVID-19. Has your lifelong community initiative developed a hot meal to go program instead of a weekly hot meal? Is your food pantry developing new ways to meet the needs in your community? Are restaurants, local grocery stores, and farmers finding new ways to deliver food safely to their customers? Are you planning a “Victory Garden”? If you know about any of these in your community, please come prepared to share. People who attend this webinar will leave inspired with new ways to engage community food sources during COVID-19 and beyond. Register here.
2020 Care Partner Summit
May 16, 2020
Registration is now open for the third international bilingual 2020 Care Partner Summit | Cumbre Para Cuidadores. Join in from anywhere in the world on May 16, 2020 as we celebrate all care partners! The Summit is designed with care partners in mind and is recommended for anyone caring for someone living with Parkinson’s disease (PD), including spouses, partners, adult children or friends. The event will be recorded and broadcast in English and Spanish live from Miami, FL. All presentations will be livestreamed to Parkinson’s Foundation viewing parties, taking place around the country. Every session features an expert speaker on topics chosen by a committee of current and former care partners. This year, the theme is “Planning for the Unpredictable Path of Parkinson’s Caregiving.” Register here.
Impacts of Domestic Violence on Families
June 3, 2020
Join the CCC on June 3rd from 11:30 — 12:50, immediately before the CCC Work Group, for a lunch and learn presentation by Next Step Community Educator, Cheyenne Robinson-Bauman. Get the basics of domestic violence plus its impacts on families, including how financial tensions can trigger situations of DV, and explore ways of supporting families to address DV. Cheyenne will also discuss best practices for safely communicating with families using social media and other technology. Download a flyer to share. Bring your lunch, we’ll provide beverages and dessert. Sign up by emailing Christine. Participants are welcome to stay for the CCC Work Group meeting following from 1 – 3 pm.
Maine Geriatrics Conference
June 11 &12, 2020 – this event has been postponed to next year
New Date: June 10 & 11, 2021. The Maine Geriatrics Conference Planning Committee sincerely hope you are healthy and of sound mind!! This wish is extended to your loved ones, friends, and communities!
1. All paid registrants will receive a refund. If you paid by credit card, the refund will go back on your card. This may take a few days. If you paid by check, a refund will come from the University of New England. Please bear with us as we navigate this process. If you made your own overnight reservations, don’t forget to call the hotel and cancel!
2. All paid sponsors and exhibitors may either apply your sponsorship/exhibitor fees to NEXT YEAR – confirming for a space for June 2021 or request a refund of your payment. Regardless of which you choose we will be in touch again next year.
3. All presenters will be contacted directly – please stay tuned. Our hope is that each will be able to commit to do the same session(s) next year.
Building Resilience with Hope
September 15, 2020
Rescheduled from May 5th, the Maine Resilience Building Network, in partnership with UNE’s Center for Excellence in Public Health, invites you to join colleagues from Maine for a one-day conference on HOPE (Healthy Outcomes of Positive Experiences); a framework co-authored by Dr. Robert Sege from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. The conference will be held on at UNE Portland, Innovation Hall. This daylong session will leave participants, from trainee to experienced practitioners, with new approaches and concrete skills to improve the effectiveness of their work with young children and their families. All professionals are invited to attend: social workers, public health and healthcare professionals, guidance counselors, educators, child and family advocates, therapists, behavioral health professionals, policy makers and public safety officers. Education credit for this program is pending. Registration Fees: $75 member, $150 non-member, $30 full-time student. Details and link to register here.
Maine Wisdom Summit
September 16, 2020
Save the date of September 16, 2020 for the Maine Wisdom Summit with keynote Speaker, Kathy Greenlee, former Assistant Secretary for Aging. Kathy has a deep expertise in the areas of aging, long-term care, disability, elder abuse, health care, and community service innovation. She will offer participants a national perspective on health and community reform efforts and partnerships that are working to increase the health and well-being of older people. We are thrilled to have her join us this year! Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities are now available for the Summit. Register to exhibit or be a sponsor here, or email/phone jmaurer@mainecouncilonaging.org /207-592-9972 for more information.
Serial Classes & Groups
Classes, play groups, support circles and other repeating events
Caregiver Monday:
An Initiative Dedicated To Helping Caregivers Take Care of Themselves
The Monday Campaigns, a nonprofit public health initiative, has announced Sherri Snelling, caregiving expert and corporate gerontologist, is taking a leading role with Caregiver Monday, a program dedicated to supporting the self-care of 65 million family caregivers by offering weekly health and wellness practices, research and collaborative activities through partner organizations. Family caregivers are under added stress now, with older people being more vulnerable to COVID-19. The Caregiver Monday program will be offered through Caregiving Club, a leading organization founded by Snelling that calls attention to the issues facing caregivers by offering practical health, wellness and resource-based information. Every month, the program will offer a themed article with evidence-based research information on specific topics related to caregiver self-care, as well as provide weekly practices and health promotions related to that monthly theme. Organizations supporting the campaign can access these materials on the updated Caregiver Monday site.
UMaine Health Connection Chats
The University of Maine Center on Aging is holding a series of free Zoom/phone chats featuring live, practical information and tips for staying health for Maine’s 60+ citizens and other high risk residents during COVID-19. The series will be broadcast on Wednesdays from 11 am to 12 pm beginning April 15th. Download the schedule. Sessions will be recorded and be made available here.
Eating Well for Families – Online Series beginning April 9
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Washington County CAN Prevention Council will offer a free five-session nutrition education program to parents and caregivers every Thursday from April 9 through May 7, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., using ZOOM, a video and audio communication technology. Eating Well for Families sessions will focus on learning healthy, budget-friendly cooking and nutrition tips and will include cooking demonstrations. Register online by April 6th. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Rita Stephenson, 207-255-3345; rita.stephenson@maine.edu.
G.E.A.R. Parent Network
The G.E.A.R. Parent Network staff would like to offer you during this difficult time the opportunity to call us if you just want to vent, get some emotional support, or resource information – call us at 1-800-264-9224 and we would be happy to listen or help. We also have been receiving many registrations this week to participate in our webinar based trainings. Given that interest, we are offering you additional supportive educational workshops during this time that not only will empower you but increase your resiliency factors! Download a list of these workshops here. These workshops are available via GoToMeeting. Prior to the workshop, please be sure to download the free app from either Google Play or Apple App Store to your smart phone or computer. Call 1-800-264-9224 to register and we will send you the handouts and link to participate along with certificate of attendance!
DCP Early Childhood Programs
DCP is currently enrolling in their 2020-2021 program year for child care, Head Start, Pre-K, and early Head Start child care for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Please see flyer for more information. They are also currently enrolling for the full year childcare programs at the Flaherty ECEC and St. Croix ECEC sites here in Washington County. Contact Diane Briggs for more information about the full year programs.
Health Equity Dialogues – Via Zoom Only
The University of Maine at Augusta is hosting a speaker series every Thursday from 12 – 1 pm during the Spring Semester to convene and connect scholars, community members and healthcare practitioners across disciplinary and professional divides to work on high-priority community health challenges in Maine. These events will be taking place online via Zoom for the remainder of the semester as on-site locations are no longer available. Please visit their facebook page for more info and to RSVP.
CAN Council Groups
For play groups and classes, go to the Washington County CAN Prevention Council’s facebook page for up-to-the-minute info.
Caregivers Facebook Group
The CCC is launching a private facebook group for caregivers in Washington County – professional caregivers like RNs and CNAs, and informal caregivers like family members providing care for a spouse, parent, specials needs child, sibling or the neighbor across the street. Our goal is for this group to provide a platform for caregivers to talk to each other, ask questions, offer solutions based on experience with similar challenges, and point to helpful resources. Use this link to join.
Standing Meetings & Calendars
Monthly and quarterly meetings, agency/initiative calendars at a glance and other meeting schedules
Downeast Public Health Council
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 We will be hosting a Palliative Care Committee meeting. The meeting will be held virtually from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. (Please RSVP Here)
March Washington County Food Pantry Network Meeting
this event has been cancelled
The GSFB Community Driven Strategies Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 26, 2 – 4 pm at the Wabanaki Cultural Center and Museum, 39 Union Street in Calais has been postponed. No new date has been confirmed yet.
Work Group & Poverty Busters
This is a meeting of direct service providers to share resources and network with other providers in your area. Notes from the April 1st meeting coming soon. This group meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 1 — 3 pm. Due to the current public health COVID-19 situation, we are meeting via Zoom. Look for an invitation to the May 6th Zoom meeting in a few weeks. Send your questions about this meeting to Christine.
Needs & Offers
Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting
or housing needs.
if you are aware of a senior in need….
Healthy Acadia would like to share an Eastern Area Agency on Aging link to refer people for all services including the Meals on Wheels program. Please share this information widely!
Vista Position
Healthy Acadia has two positions available in each county for this Goodwill Industries Americorps Summer Associate VISTA 10-week service opportunity ( see job flyer). Successful service members receive a stipend and an education award. For more information in Washington County, contact Regina Grabrovac at 255 3741 or by email at regina@healthyacadia.org
Changes to the Home Energy Assistance Program
There are temporary changes made to the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) that will make it easier for some people who have lost income due to the COVID19 pandemic to qualify for the program. Recognizing that many people, who would normally be ineligible for the program due to household income levels, have experienced a sudden drop in income, Maine Housing has temporarily changed the calculation formula for certain individuals. This change is currently in effect for one month only, through May 1, 2020. Learn more in this press release from Downeast Community Partners.
In response to needs of community members in Washington County, CCC has created the COVID-19 impact fund to help alleviate financial challenges associated with COVID-19 for families with children prenatal to 18 years. These include basic needs, supplies, household expenses, auto repairs, technology needs, educational expenses, and specific needs of essential workers. We are using the Hope Fund as the structure to administer COVID-19 impact funds and invite CCC partner agencies to apply on behalf of their clients. The Hope Fund committee will be the review committee for COVID-19 impact funds. Please visit the Hope Fund page of our website to learn more about the COVID-19 Impact Fund. Applications can be downloaded on that page.
Food Resources Update & Needs
Regina Grabrovac’s latest updates on food resources include:
- Healthy Acadia’s Washington County Food Security Organization List is located HERE and is available for downloading;
- EASTPORT: This came via Facebook from Tessa Chaffey Ftorek — The City of Eastport has teamed up with the R and M IGA to do home deliveries on Thursdays to 1. FOLKS WHO HAVE RETURNED FROM AWAY 2. THE ELDERLY 3. FOLKS WHO MIGHT HAVE HEALTH ISSUES AND ARE NOT FEELING SAFE BEING OUT IN PUBLIC. We need some help to make this happen!!! Here’s how we think the plan will work. Contact the IGA with your order (details to follow on payment…credit card probably). IGA staff will bag up your order. Volunteers will pick up order from IGA and deliver to your door. Volunteers will have no contact with the money. Here is where we need your help. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO DELIVER GROCERIES. Please send me a pm if you are willing to help deliver groceries. Thank you. It takes a village to make this happen and we can do it!!! It would be great to have this happen by this Thursday!
- Also from the Labor of Love pantry in Eastport, the delivery day for the Senior Commodity boxes has changed to Monday, April 6 from 10:30am to 1pm at the LAbor of Love Food Pantry.
FFCC is hiring an Executive Director
Families First Community Center is hiring our 1st Executive Director. Our goal…to give families the support and skills they need to achieve not only stability but to believe in and develop their true potential. The ideal candidate should have a Bachelors or Masters degree in Social Services, Education or Business Management and 3-5 years experience in social services or non-profit management, as well as excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Resumes should be sent to ais.serenitynow@gmail.com.
PTLA Available to Help
Pine Tree Legal Assistance is open to the public by phone and accepting new cases for representation and advice. As always, please feel free to refer those whom you feel are in need of Pine Tree’s services to either Atty Ross Argir at 552-3102 or Debi Beal in the Machias Office at 255-8656. We have also added a COVID-19 specific page to our website with answers to commonly asked COVID-19 legal questions.
FFD Applications are Available
UWEM Help with Volunteer Needs
United Way of Eastern Maine has established a COVID-19 Volunteer Site and invites organizations to share their volunteer needs with UWEM to help get them posted. Review this PDF for the details they will to post your opportunity. Simply send an email what that information to info@unitedwayem.org with the subject line “Volunteer Opportunity for Posting.”
Mission Scholarships – Now Online
Maine Seacoast Mission’s Scholarship Program 2020 Application and Re-Application are available now for downloading online. The deadline postmark for applying for a Mission scholarship is May 1, 2020. Through its Scholarship Program, the Mission helps recent high school graduates and adults, from Maine’s offshore islands and Downeast communities, continue their educations and achieve their dreams. Each year the Mission awards approximately 30 new scholarships based on student financial needs and academic promise. Scholarships can be renewed each year of a multi-year program, resulting in nearly 100 Mission scholarships in any given year. Read more here.
Resource Advocate Needed
Downeast Community Partners is seeking a full-time Resource Advocate to work with economically vulnerable individuals and families in Washington County. The position will include both short-term assistance with immediate needs as well as offering support on longer-term goals. It will include assisting participants working on many different areas of life depending on the needs. See full job description here.
Free Tax Prep with DCP
Downeast Community Partners offers free tax preparation through a partnership with AARP Tax Aide and Eastern Maine CA$H (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope) available at the following sites:
- DCP’s Bucksport Road Office
- Mano en Mano, Maple street Milbridge
Appointments maybe made starting in mid-January, with the first appointments occurring in February. For appointments and more information for DCP sites, call 207-664-2424. More information available at DCP’s Website.
Free Tax Prep with United Way
United Way of Eastern Maine is coordinating the Eastern Maine CA$H (Creating Assets, Savings, and Hope) Coalition that provides free tax prep and financial literacy services for low- to mid-income individuals and families. If you have clients (or friends!) who you believe could benefit from the service, here’s a link to a list of all confirmed sites. To schedule an appointment, just call the phone number listed for your preferred site. Download a flyer to share.
Peer Support Specialist in Machias
Community Health & Counseling Services is seeking a part-time peer support specialist for the Machias office. Applicants must have personally experienced mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorder and either have or be working toward a CIPPS certification. Full job description and application form here.
The CCC is part of the Washington County Census Coalition working with the Census Bureau to help recruit temporary Census workers and to encourage everyone in Washington County to be counted so our Census data is as accurate as possible. We depend on this data for reporting, grant writing, promoting programs and services, and many other projects, and the data itself directly corresponds to how much federal dollars our schools, programs and services receive. Please share this 2020 Census FAQ fact sheet with partners, colleagues and clients, along with this safety fact sheet on how Census data received from respondents is safe and confidential. Did you know that every Census Bureau employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life? Or did you know that by law, your census responses cannot be used against you by any government agency or court in any way? Learn the facts and share them!
Alzheimer’s Association Community Educator
The Maine Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association has volunteer positions available for people interested in supporting those navigating Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in your community. Details in this flyer. Contact Alison Russell, manager of education and volunteers, with questions.
EMDC Workforce Development Services
Connect with EMDC staff for employment and training assistance to eligible individuals in EMDC’s five county service area. For assistance in Washington County call Amanda Smith at 951-2349 or email asmith@emdc.org, or call Samantha Giasson at 951-0832 or email Samantha.Giasson@emdc.org if you’ve worked in agriculture/farm work in the last two years. Additional information can be found here.I would also like to keep folks in the loop regarding our workforce services at EMDC.
Free Financial Coaching
Thanks to support from Downeast Community Partners, Joseph Connors has been able to continue offering free coaching on any financial matter to individuals and families in Washington County, following the termination of this program at the end of March by the Consumer Protection Bureau. To make an appointment with Joe, call him at 207-598-5657 or email joe.connors@downeastcommunitypartners.org.
Favorite Resources
Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers.
USDA Unveils Tool to Help Rural Communities
WASHINGTON, April 13, 2020 – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today unveiled a one-stop-shop of federal programs that can be used by rural communities, organizations and individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide (PDF, 349 KB) is a first-of-its-kind resource for rural leaders looking for federal funding and partnership opportunities to help address this pandemic. Read the full press release here.
From Rep. Jared F. Golden
Congress has passed emergency legislation intended to support small businesses and workers during the coronavirus crisis. My staff and I have been working hard to analyze the new programs established by the legislation to determine how Maine small businesses can take full advantage of federal resources to stay afloat and keep employees on payroll during this crisis.
We put together this guide to help small businesses and non-profit organizations understand the options available to them and decide on a course of action.
We’ve also set up a specialized team to help small businesses weather this crisis and keep their employees on payroll. If you’re a small business owner who would like to know about the options available to you or have questions about how to take advantage of federal programs, please email SmallBizResponseTeam@mail.house.gov. In most cases, we will respond within 24 hours.
Subscribe to Rep. Golden’s newsletter here.
CCC’s Response to the COVID-19 Situation
In light of CDC recommendations about social distancing, all ECCO services have moved to phone or tele-health connections. Any new referrals will be contacted via phone and follow similar protocols.
CCC staff will continue to work from home, and meetings will be held using Zoom technology for the remainder of March into April. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us using either the form or email/phone contacts listed on the Contact Us page of our website. We also encourage people to share needs and offers in this newsletter, and remind service providers that we have a needs & offers platform for you on facebook: Poverty Buster Resource Connection.
We encourage people to consult the Maine CDC website which provides helpful guidance in the FAQ section. We are developing our own resources that we will share with you asap and are gearing up to respond to any requests for help with online trainings and convenings as you and your staff lean more on virtual tools to conduct business, provide services and address community needs. To request an online training, please use our Training & Technical Assistance Request form.
About the Wednesday Communique
This is the Community Caring Collaborative’s weekly newsletter where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners. Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the One-Time Events section, and job postings and other items of interest in the Announcements section. Subscribe here to get the Communiqué. Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at claurel@cccmaine.org. Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab.Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included. Thanks!