Happy Wednesday!
This is the Community Caring Collaborative Weekly Communiqué where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners. Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the Events section, and job postings and other items of interest in the Announcements section. Subscribe here to get the Communiqué. Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at claurel@cccmaine.org. Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab. This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included. Thanks!

Summer fun at camp in Maine – photo courtesy of Angela Donaghy
Cultural Competency 201
Save the date of September 18th for an expanded Cultural Competency training from 10 am — 2 pm at Bear Lodge (north side of Long Lake, Indian Township). Elizabeth Neptune will present this training, designed for Family Futures Downeast partners (all CCC partners welcome) with Geo Neptune, a two-spirit educator and activist. More details coming soon!
Building Bridges Through Story & Song
Save the date of October 13th for an exciting training opportunity for early childhood professionals and out-of-school time practitioners, hosted by Washington County Community College from 9 am — 3 pm, with partners MRTQ and MaineAEYC. Modest registration fee of $10 includes morning refreshments & lunch, special event T-shirt, chance at door prizes and more. See flyer for details. More details coming soon!
Forensic Training
Care of the Survivor of a Crime
Please see this flyer for an exciting (free) educational opportunity at Down East Community Hospital that will provide tools and resources related to trauma-informed responses to survivors of crime. There will be limited seating so please call the number on the poster to RSVP. This event happens on August 30 and you can pick a morning session or an afternoon session.
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Giveaway!
Washington Academy is hosting a fresh fruit and veggie giveaway next Tuesday, August 13th, from 12 Noon to 1:30 pm for all community members. Bring your own bags to take home produce and other nutritious pantry staples. See flyer for details.
How the 2020 Census impacts federal funding in Maine
Details in a new report from the George Washington Institute of Public Policy — see the Favorite Resources section of this newsletter.
New Look for Wednesday Communique
We are thrilled to be working with Calais-based Graphic Designer & Marketing Consultant, Ashley Hinson Dhakal, who has given our weekly newsletter a welcome facelift. Our goal is always to make our weekly communique easier to read, reference and share. Please let us know how it’s working for you with this feedback form. Thanks!
Your announcement could go here: email the details to Christine by 5 pm Monday for inclusion in Wednesday’s Weekly Communiqué. Photos and links are appreciated.
Updates on programs, research, initiatives and pending legislation
Highs and Lows of the Legislative Session:
how did low-income Mainers fare?
(from Maine Equal Justice Partners)
Passage of LIFT (LD 1774) and STEP (LD 1772), two bills developed from the Invest in Tomorrow Initiative’s policy agenda, will lift thousands of kids and families out of poverty each year.
The Invest in Tomorrow bill package will help reduce the “benefit cliff” so parents can successfully transition into employment, increase access to education and training for low-income parents, and increase accountability for the state to reduce child poverty in Maine.
In more good news, the legislature unanimously passed LD 1671, an expansion of Maine’s Earned Income Tax Credit that will impact approximately 100,000 low- and middle-income households. The bill more than doubles Maine’s credit for working families and expands eligibility to 18- to 24-year-olds without children.
Several bills related to our newest area of policy expertise, consumer rights, succeeded. The Student Loan Bill of Rights, now law, will make meaningful updates to the law to protect student borrowers. A strong set of other bills to enhance consumer rights for tenants, homeowners, and domestic violence survivors, also made it into law with strong bipartisan support.
One-Time Events
Fairs, trainings, conferences and more in the state of Maine
Fresh Fruit & Veggie Giveaway!
August 13, 2019
Washington Academy is hosting a fresh fruit and veggie giveaway from 12 Noon to 1:30 pm for all community members. Bring your own bags to take home produce and other nutritious pantry staples. See flyer for details.
Conference for School Nurses & Medical Providers:
August 16, 2019
Save this date for Collaborating to Address the Complex Mental and Behavioral Health Needs of Maine Youth, a joint conference for school nurses and medical providers, 8:30 am — 3:30 pm at the Portland Campus of the University of Southern Maine. See flyer for details. Sponsored by the Maine Association of School Nurses, American Academy of Pediatrics – Maine Chapter, and the Maine Department of Education.
Impairment Detection Training for Employers:
August, 29, 2019
SafetyWorks! Maine Dept of Labor is holding a training on August 29th designed to help owners, managers, and supervisors recognize and respond appropriately to employee-impairment in the workplace in order to reduce worker accidents and injuries. Participants will be taught procedures to detect impairment regardless of the substance or cause. This class is designed to fulfill the federal DOT requirements for reasonable suspicion training of supervisors. In addition, participants will learn how to develop and implement policies that address impairment in the workplace and are in compliance with Maine’s Substance Use Testing Law. This free class runs 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at the Machias CareerCenter, 53 Prescott Drive, Machias. Register here.
Forensic Training: Care of the Survivor of a Crime
August 30, 2019
Please see this flyer for an exciting (free) educational opportunity at Down East Community Hospital that will provide tools and resources related to trauma-informed responses to survivors of crime. There will be limited seating so please call the number on the poster to RSVP. This event happens on August 30 and you can pick a morning session or an afternoon session.
Hot Topics in Employment:
September 9, 2019
Rudman Winchell has rescheduled their Lunch & Learn to September 9th, 11 am — 1:30 pm in the Assembly Room at Washington County Community College. Topics covered will include: Drug Use in the Workplace, Sexual Harassment, Workplace Accommodation, and changes to Maine employment laws this year. See flyer for details. To reserve your seat, contact Dawn Spinney at dspinney@rudmanwinchell.com or 207-992-2302.
Intro to Federal Contracting:
September 10, 2019
10:00 AM
7 Ames Way, Machias
Learn the basics of government contracting with Maine PTAC Procurement Counselor Katie Bragg as she explains what it takes and how to go about selling to the Federal Government. Register here.
Swing for Success:
September 14, 2019
On Saturday, September 14th, the Maine Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Rocky Knoll Golf Course, and Healthy Acadia will host the second annual, “Swing for Success,” Golf Tournament Fundraiser at Rocky Knoll Golf Course, 14 River Road, Orrington. All registration proceeds from this event will support Healthy Acadia’s Downeast Recovery Supports Fund which helps to bolster recovery infrastructure and provide access to resources needed by individuals and their families throughout their recovery journey. Registration for “Swing for Success” is $125 per person, or $400 for a team of four if registering online ($450 at the event). Register online at www.meana.org. On-site registration begins at 9:00 am; tee time is at 10:00 am. A luncheon barbecue is included, along with snacks, great prizes and cash awards.
Senior Health & Resource Fair:
September 16, 2019
Eastport Health Care is sponsoring a Senior Health & Resource Fair on September 16th from 10 am — 3 pm at the Eastport Welcome Center, Port Authority Building, 141 Water Street. Speakers, exhibits, demonstrations — Share this flyer with seniors, caregivers and providers of senior services in the Eastport area.
Selling to the State of Maine:
September 17, 2019
10:00 AM
7 Ames Way, Machias
Are you interested in selling products or services to the State of Maine? Do you want to learn how to become a successful vendor? Join Maine PTAC Procurement Counselor Katie Bragg, for a workshop that will tell you what it takes to sell to the State of Maine. Register here.
Cultural Competency 201
September 18, 2019
Save this date for an expanded Cultural Competency training from 10 am — 2 pm at Bear Lodge (north side of Long Lake, Indian Township). Elizabeth Neptune will present this training, designed for Family Futures Downeast partners (all CCC partners welcome) with Geo Neptune, a two-spirit educator and activist. More details coming soon!
6th Annual Wisdom Summit:
September 24, 2019
The Maine Council on Aging will host the 6th annual Wisdom Summit, “Igniting Aging Activism,” at the Augusta Civic Center in Augusta, ME. More details coming soon.
Helping your Business Navigate Substance Use in the Work Place
September 26, 2019 or
October 10, 2019
Sunrise County Economic Council and the Community Caring Collaborative are coordinating a free, 3-hour training for employers on this topic with two different options for dates and locations:
- September 26th from 9 am – Noon at the Machias Savings Bank Training Center, 1 Colonial Way, Machias.
- October 10th from 5 – 8 pm at the Downeast Recovery Support Center, 311 Main Street, Calais.
See details and new agenda order in this flyer. Register for either location & date here.
Building Bridges Through Story & Song
October 13, 2019
Save this date for an exciting training opportunity for early childhood professionals and out-of-school time practitioners, hosted by Washington County Community College from 9 am — 3 pm, with partners MRTQ and MaineAEYC. Modest registration fee of $10 includes morning refreshments & lunch, special event T-shirt, chance at door prizes and more. See flyer for details. More details coming soon!
Age of Possibilities Summit:
October 21, 2019
The Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging will be hosting the upcoming regional convening, Age of Possibilities Summit: Exploring research, technology and learning in the longevity era, on October 21st, 8 am — 3:30 pm at Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH. Each new era brings possibilities for change and growth; the emerging longevity era is no exception. We are living longer than ever before; the world around us offers unparalleled opportunity to test old assumptions, make new discoveries, and modify ecosystems to support our changing needs.Click here to read more about this Summit and to register for sponsor or exhibit opportunities.
Innovations in Dementia Care:
October 28, 2019
Register now for the Fourteenth Annual University of Maine Clinical Geriatrics Colloquium, 8 am-4 pm at the Wells Conference Center, University of Maine. Orono, ME. Anticipated topics include:
- Population Health, Prevention, Genetics, Risk, & Resilience
- Environments of Care
- Screening & Diagnosis
- Dementia & Driving
- Caring for the Caregiver
- What is High Quality Dementia Care?
Details in this flyer.
Autism Fall Conference:
November 2, 2019
The Autism Society invites you to a free conference on November 2nd at Black Bear Inn, Orono. This event is designed for participants to exchange ideas, resources and knowledge that will inspire hope and innovation for those who live and work with individuals with autism. This year’s keynote is “You Can’t Make Me: Proactive Strategies for Positive Behavioral Change,” delivered by James Ball, Ed.D., BCBA-D, author of the book, Early Intervention & Autism: Real-Life Questions; Real-Life Answers. Details and registration info here. Registration expected to fill up quickly.
Serial Classes & Groups
Classes, play groups, support circles and other repeating events
Down East Hospice Volunteer Training
Down East Hospice Volunteers of Washington County is offering a 5-day hospice volunteer training at the Calais Regional Hospital this September. The training will run from 10 am – 3 pm on September 18, 20, 23, 25 & 27th (must attend all days). A short pre-training interview is required – please respond soon. A background check is mandatory when you complete your training. We need both men and women. You must have your own vehicle. GET YOUR APPLICATION NOW! Call – 454-7521 ext. 126 or Director, Barbara Barnett – 726-5087 or e-mail downeasthospice@yahoo.com.
ESL Volunteer Tutoring
Axiom Education & Training Center is holding a training on “How to be a volunteer English tutor” at their office at 6 Colonial Way, Machias, on August 19, 22, 26 & 29 from 5:30 – 8 pm. You do NOT need to speak a foreign language in order to teach English as a Second Language and no teaching experience is required. We can show you how to help foreign language speakers learn English using successful, proven techniques that do not require you to speak that foreign language! See flyer for details.
CAN Council Groups
- Weekly infant toddler playgroup in Machias: Fridays from 10-11 at the Kay Parker Building. See flyer for details.
- Weekly Social Hour for children 6-11 who are engaged with section 26/65 to come with their BHP’s for a craft/activity/game on Fridays from 3-4. BHP’s and their kiddos are welcome any Friday, but we do ask that they send an RSVP (263-5270) with the kiddo’s age at least 2 hours prior. This way we can make accommodations or modifications to our activities if needed. This will be held at WCCP (232 Court St, Machias). See flyer for details.
- Grandparents raising grandchildren – First Thursday of the month from 3:30 — 4:30 at Woodland Public Library
- Parents in Recovery (Calais) – Second Thursday of the month from 3:30 — 4:30 at Downeast Recovery and Support Center, Calais
- Parents in Recovery (Machias) – Second Monday of the month from 3:30 — 4:40 at Downeast Recovery and Support Center, Machias
- Machias Circle of Parents – last Monday of the month from 3:30 — 4:30 at Sunrise Opportunities (232 Court St, Machias)
- Nurturing Program – The CAN Council invites parents to a multi-session educational program sharing tips and tricks to help navigate the difficult challenges of parenting. Lots of opportunity for discussion and questions – free refreshments and childcare. Location: Harrington Family Health Center, 52 East Main Street, Harrington, every Thursday from 12:30 — 2 pm. Text/call Mandie at 263-5270 to sign up.
Caregivers Facebook Group
The CCC is launching a private facebook group for caregivers in Washington County – professional caregivers like RNs and CNAs, and informal caregivers like family members providing care for a spouse, parent, specials needs child, sibling or the neighbor across the street. Our goal is for this group to provide a platform for caregivers to talk to each other, ask questions, offer solutions based on experience with similar challenges, and point to helpful resources. Use this link to join.
Experience the Power of the Mastermind
In partnership with Rose St. Louis, member of the John Maxwell Coaching, Speaking, Teaching Team, WCCC is offering an opportunity to experience the power of the Mastermind 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell in a new leadership series. The first Mastermind group will afford you the opportunity to join forces and mastermind with a unique group of like-minded individuaIs who are focused on taking results in every area of their lives to a new level. WCCC is offering this 4-week leadership series at 2 different locations. Learn more in this flyer.
Refuge Recovery
The Downeast Recovery Supports Center is now hosting weekly meetings of Refuge Recovery, a Buddhist-inspired approach to recovery from addiction. Meetings are on Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. No prior experience with Buddhism is required. Meetings are free and all who seek recovery are warmly welcomed. Learn more about Refuge Recovery at: www.refugerecovery.org.
Hepatitis C Support Group
Health Equity Alliance has begun a Hepatitis C support group at the Downeast Machias Recovery Center. They also offer a syringe exchange and FREE HIV and HEPC testing. Hours are Tuesday: 3-6 pm and Friday: 10 am to 1 pm, closed to Walk-In Services on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. FMI: Arielle Metcalf at arielle@mainehealthequity.org, 207-255-5849.
WCCC Div of Workforce and Professional Development
WCCC is offering 6 exciting courses and events this summer (see flyer with general info or individual flyers for more detail):
For more information, call (207) 454-1000 or email nsawyer@wccc.me.edu.
Downeast MAT Expansion ECHO
Healthy Acadia in collaboration with Qualidigm (formerly Maine Quality Counts) invites you to join a local effort to respond to Maine’s opioid epidemic through education, skill-building, and networking for Downeast clinicians. The Downeast MAT Expansion ECHO program seeks to build local capacity to treat individuals who are struggling with OUDs across Hancock and Washington Counties by offering free education, skill building, and networking to clinicians and the practices they work in. Healthy Acadia, working closely with many key community partners, is offering a two-part Project ECHO program over the coming year. Sign up for one or both!
Part 1: MAT Readiness Academy: June 12, July 10, August 14; 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Meetings will be held virtually using an online platform (Zoom)
Part 2: MAT Expansion: Second Wednesday of the month from September 2019 to May 2020; 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Meetings will be held virtually using Zoom.
Download a flyer for more information. Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is an evidence-based educational model developed by researchers at the University of New Mexico
Community of Practice Groups:
6-8 pm
Maine Roads to Quality invites Early Care & Education professionals to join one of 2 community of practice groups:
- Calais Community of Practice meets on the second Tuesday of each month at WCCC – Riverview Hall, Room 115 (Multi Media Room
- Machias Community of Practice meets on the 4th Monday of each month at UMM – Torrey Hall, Room 228
For more information or to register, please contact Theresa Fisk, District Early Childhood and Youth Coordinator – 207-956-2070 or email: theresa.fisk@maine.edu.
Standing Meetings & Calendars
Monthly and quarterly meetings, agency/initiative calendars at a glance and other meeting schedules
2019 MRBN
Save these dates for Maine Resilience Building Network meetings held at EduCare in Waterville:
Sept 26, 2019
October 31, 2019
Washington County Food Pantry Network
The network offers technical and infrastructure support and education to all of the county’s pantries as well as to provide an opportunity for pantries to share successes and struggles. Dessert, beverages and gas cards will be provided to all food pantry participants. Meeting dates (Thursdays) and locations for 2019 are as follows:
Oct 3, 1-4 pm; Location to be determined.
Questions? Contact Regina Grabrovac at our Machias Healthy Acadia office by phone at 255 3741 or by email at regina@healthyacadia.org
Calais Area Breast Cancer Support Group
Meetings on the 4th Friday of each month at 3 PM at the Calais United Methodist Church, 849 Main St. (downstairs parlor), in Calais. This free “gathering” is a comforting and safe environment to find encouragement and hope. Open to all that have a breast cancer diagnosis. FMI call Marianne at 454-0501. Download a flyer for more information.
Caregivers Support Group
Join other family/informal caregivers monthly for a supportive meeting at the Maine Veterans Home in Machias, facilitated by Lisa King, LCPC, on the first Friday of the month from 2-4 pm. Contact Lisa King for more information.
Work Group & Poverty Busters
Join this meeting of direct service providers to share resources and network with other providers in your area. The next meeting is August 7th in the large conference room at SCEC, 7 Ames Way, Machias, from 1 — 3 pm. Special guest, Jace Farris from CHCS, will talk about the PATH Program. Read an agenda for this meeting. Send your questions to Christine.
Needs & Offers
Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting or housing needs.
Axiom ETC is Hiring!
Washington County Adult Education is seeking to fill a part-time Adult Education Director position and part-time Literacy/ELL Instructor position that are being combined into a full-time position if a suitable candidate is found. Candidate must have a bachelor’s degree and a wiliness to become state certified as an assistant adult education director. Professional Development costs will be provided. Assists the director in oversite of programs adult basic education, high school completion, college transitions, vocational, academic and career advising, and other programs deemed appropriate for communities. This is a county program, so travel is required at times. Mileage or a gas card is provided. The assistant director works director to support efforts to meet mission, vision and goals. The portion of the position as a literacy/ELL instructor will work with immigrant populations, college students and other adults who need to acquire the English language or increase their literacy skills. Professional development and training will be provided. Please send a resume and cover letter to: jane.blackwood@aetc.us
CCC Dream Fund
We are currently not taking applications as we work to replenish funds for this program supporting children and families as they reach for their dreams. Established in 2016 to honor the life work of Marjorie Withers, the Dream Fund is an initiative of the CCC allowing children and young adults to pursue their interest in something that gives them joy and may be beyond the financial capacity of their family. About 125 Dream Fund awards have been given to families and children since the fund opened three years ago.
Temporary Census Jobs
The US Census is recruiting for a wide variety of temporary jobs including census takers, recruiting assistants, office staff, and supervisory staff to complete the 2020 Census. To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years old, have a social security number, and be a US citizen. Find details and a link to the application process in the WCCOG News Feed here.
EMDC Workforce Development Services
EMDC provides employment and training assistance to eligible individuals in EMDC’s five county service area. For assistance in Washington County call Amanda Smith at 255-3656 or email at asmith@emdc.org. Additional information can be found at https://www.emdc.org/page/954/workforce
Photos of Summer Fun Needed
Mainers are fortunate to be living in a place people love to visit in the summer. The Wednesday Communique would like to share photos of family summer fun during the rest of July and August. Send your favorite summer photos to claurel@cccmaine.org.
Healthy Acadia is Hiring!
We currently have several opportunities for experienced professionals to join a dynamic team passionate about making it easier for all people to lead healthier lives. Click on the links below for full position descriptions and application instructions:
AOS 96 Summer Meals
AOS 96 is again sponsoring a summer meals program for our local area. This year we have expanded this service to four area locations to hopefully better meet the needs of our area. Rose M Gaffney Elementary (Machias), Jonesboro Elementary (Jonesboro), Fort Obrien School (Machiasport) and Elm Street School (East Machias) will each be serving breakfast and lunch, with specific serving dates and times indicated on this flyer. All meals will be offered free of charge to any child aged 18 and under. There are no application or registration requirements- just come to a site during the specified times and eat. Menus will be available on site, and children/families are welcome to enjoy meals on every serving day or to pick which days they would like to attend. Any adult accompanying a participating child may also request a meal at no charge.
Free Ear Acupuncture/Acupressure
Acupuncture & acupressure on ear points will be offered free at the Friends’ meeting house in Whiting during the summer, beginning June 6th. This clinic will primarily treat symptoms of pain and stress as well as dependencies and cravings. Learn more about the clinic, treatments, and what to expect at this link.
Eastport Health Care is Hiring!
Eastport Health Care, Inc., located on the ocean in beautiful Downeast Maine, is a federally qualified health center (FQHC), that provides dental, medical, and behavioral health services. EHC is looking for a full-time General Dentist to provide oral health education and care to patients, ages 6 months and up. Your expertise will be embedded into an integrated care clinic that follows patient-centered medical home guidelines and principles. Must be a graduate from an accredited dental school. Possess the ability to relate to people of all socioeconomic levels. To apply, send an e-mail with a cover letter detailing your qualifications, a resume with three professional references, and salary requirements to Roxanne Woodworth, HR Coordinator-Administrative Assistant (rwoodworth@eastporthealth.org). Resumes will be considered until the position is filled. For more information, please view our website at https://www.eastporthealth.org/jobs/.
Free Financial Coaching
Thanks to support from Downeast Community Partners, Joseph Connors has been able to continue offering free coaching on any financial matter to individuals and families in Washington County, following the termination of this program at the end of March by the Consumer Protection Bureau. To make an appointment with Joe, call him at 207-598-5657 or email joe.connors@downeastcommunitypartners.org.
Favorite Resources
Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers.
Counting for Dollars 2020
See this report from the George Washington Institute of Public Policy on the role of the Decennial Census in the Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds.
In FY2016, Maine received $4,114,357,289 through 55 federal spending programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census.
The Counting for Dollars 2020 Project aims to understand 1) the extent to which the federal government will rely on data from the 2020 Census to guide the distribution of federal funding to states, localities, and households across the nation and 2) the impact of the accuracy of the 2020 Census on the fair, equitable distribution of these funds. Learn how partners can support the 2020 Census here.