Happy Wednesday!

Happy National Gardening Day! For tips on getting your garden ready, check out the Gardening Cook’s 25 Early Spring Garden Tips & Checklist, and if you’re a family with kids, go to Seeds & Sprouts for some great how-to advice.
Gmail Users:
Please note that Gmail clips this newsletter about midway, providing a link at the bottom to “view entire message.” We don’t want you missing out, so be sure to click that link! This also makes those links we provide to different sections of the newsletter work.
They won’t work unless you’re viewing the whole newsletter. |
New this Week
New Section to Wednesday Communique
This week we’ve added a new section to our newsletter to help you quickly find what you want: Event Calendars & Trainings Series. This is where to go for an agency’s calendar of events, or a quick view of one-time classes that are part of a series.
Elder Abuse Prevention Summit
The Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention invites you to the 2021 Elder Abuse Summit, a multi-session, multidisciplinary event for professionals working to prevent, detect, and respond to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The Summit will include presentations from local and national experts in the field. Join on Zoom Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 9:15 AM to 12:00 Noon to hear from a dozen presenters. Download the agenda, review the speaker bios and register here. CLE credits are available. If you have questions, please contact Jill Randall at (207) 620-3114 or jrandall@mainelse.org.
BHP Training
Washington County Adult Education is partnering with Woodfords Family Service to offer an online Behavioral Health Professional training program. The training will prepare community members for employment though local social services agencies. The program can be started at any time and finished at your own pace. The course requires completion of 12 online modules, then two 4-hour live sessions. Once the modules are completed, enrollees will receive free online blood borne pathogen training and virtual First Aid & CPR training if they do not already possess those certifications. The entire training requirements will take about 45 hours. Course fee is $25. Must be 18 or older and have a high school diploma or equivalent to register. Contact Cassidy Stevens to sign up at classes@aetc.us or call 370-4139.
River Camp: Apply Now!
Cobscook Institute’s River Camp is a two-week summer camp for teens interested in outdoor careers, conservation, ecology, and outdoor skill building. This year the camp runs from July 31 – August 14. Apply by May 31: Click here to learn more!
Pleasant Point Drive-Through Clinic
Pleasant Point Health Center can now offer vaccines to the broader community. There is a drive-thru clinic planned for April 17th. Please spread the word. The goal is to get 300 people vaccinated that day. Download a flyer for details.
Free Community Trainings
Sunrise County Prevention Council is offering 8 FREE, virtual trainings this May and June. Topics include:
- Co-parenting through Separation & Divorce
- Parenting in Recovery
- Active Parenting: First Five Years
Download a flyer for the full training list and details.
Census Bureau’s 2021 Data Summit Series
We have exciting news to share with you. You are invited to join the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2021 Data Summit Series. Designed for the novice data user, the series will present a high-level overview of several data products and demonstrate how they can be used to assist organizations and businesses and help identify data-driven solutions to challenges. At the conclusion of these sessions, you will:
- Have an increased awareness of the vast data products available through the Census Bureau
- Be better equipped to utilize some of the free online tools available on census.gov
- Have resources and toolkits to assist with navigating data available through census.gov
A complete catalog of available Data Summit webinars, with links to register, can be found here.
Updates on programs, research, initiatives and pending legislation
One-Time Events
Fairs, trainings, conferences and more in the state of Maine
Fiddleheads: A Spring Tradition
April 14, 2021
University of Maine Cooperative Extension and University of New Hampshire Extension will offer a webinar for home gardeners about fiddleheads from 6–7:15 p.m. April 14. “Fiddleheads: A Spring Tradition” topics include how to properly identify, sustainably harvest and safely cook ostrich fern fiddleheads. UMaine Extension agriculture professional Dave Fuller will lead the presentation. Registration is required; a sliding scale fee is optional. Register on the event webpage to attend live or receive a link to the recording. This is the first in a six-part spring gardening webinar series offered every other Wednesday through June for Maine and New Hampshire gardeners. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Pamela Hargest, 207-781-6099; extension.gardening@maine.edu.
Pleasant Point Drive-Through Clinic
Pleasant Point Health Center can now offer vaccines to the broader community. There is a drive-thru clinic planned for April 17th. Please spread the word. The goal is to get 300 people vaccinated that day. Download a flyer for details.
Parkinson’s Workshop
April 20, 2021
Are you caring for someone with Parkinson’s Disease? Join VA Maine for a Parkinson’s Workshop on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 8 am to 12 pm. Presentations by Neuropsychology, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Whole Health, Geriatrics, Palliative Medicine, Suicide Prevention, Chaplain Service and Caregiver Support! Question and answer time to follow each presentation. See flyer for details.
Bias is Getting Old
April 20, 2021
Registration is now open for the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging Summit – Bias is Getting Old: Challenging age bias together to build healthier communities and economies. This is a virtual event on Tuesday, April 20th, 2021, 8:45 am – 4:15 pm. Join the TSLCA for an interactive and engaging one-day virtual event that will explore age-related bias and the actions we can collectively take to change the narrative on aging and older people. Click here to read the agenda. Learn how to identify, talk about and engage on the issue across sectors with powerful tools for positive change. In the morning session, we’ll explore both overt and implicit age-related bias and the impact age-bias has not only on us but on the systems around us. We’ll work together, using the “Reframing Aging” tools, to create messaging to address age-related bias. The afternoon will feature breakout sessions that take a deeper dive into the ways age-related bias shows up across sectors. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in conversations about the following topics:
- Healthcare
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Employment
- Community
This Summit will bring together thought leaders in aging, healthcare and community to connect, collaborate and talk about what is possible when we understand how bias works and how to inspire change within the aging narrative.
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are available. Contact Krista George for more information. Watch our website for detailed agenda and registration information. Coming Soon!
State of Babies 2021 Summit
April 22, 2021
Zero to Three’s State of Babies Yearbook: 2021 provides an in-depth look into the well-being of our nation’s infants and toddlers, and shows that, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the littlest among us did not have the supports they needed to thrive. Because of these disparities, the pandemic has wreaked havoc on babies’ development and families’ stability. It is high time we implement policies that will address these barriers and set all our children up for success. On April 22 at 2pm EDT, we will bring together three expert panels to tackle the tough issues facing families today and lay out the strong, permanent, national policies that will ensure these families — and their babies — have what they need to thrive. This year’s Summit promises to deliver new insights on what’s facing our families, and how we can better support them and their families. RSVP here.
Support Group Facilitator Training
April 24-25, 2021
NAMI Maine is presenting this training on: Saturday + Sunday, April 24-25, 9:00 – 5:00 both days
Register here.
Weed Management for the Perennial and Ornamental Landscape
April 28, 2021
University of Maine Cooperative Extension and University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension will offer a webinar for home gardeners about managing weeds in existing perennial and ornamental plantings from 6–7:15 p.m. April 28. “Weed Management for the Perennial and Ornamental Landscape” will focus on the most common weeds in Maine and New Hampshire gardens and detail effective control strategies for each. UNH Extension landscape and greenhouse horticulture field specialist Emma Erler will lead the workshop. Registration is required; a sliding scale program fee is optional. Register on the event webpage to attend live or receive a link to the recording. This is the second in a six-part spring gardening webinar series offered every other Wednesday through June for Maine and New Hampshire gardeners. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Pamela Hargest, 207.781.6099; extension.gardening@maine.edu.
Making a Plan: Getting Your Parents the Care They Need
April 29, 2021
Join Daughterhood.org for the first monthly Daughterhood Zoom conversation: Making a Plan: Getting Your Parents the Care They Need, on Thursday, April 29th at 2 pm (EST) with panelists Jodi Hempel and Tina Wright. Jodi is our Tucson Arizona circle leader and author of the book, Life: The Next Phase. Tina Wright, who leads the Bowling Green/Owensboro Kentucky circle, is on the staff of Timesavers. You won’t want to miss this first dip into the Daughterhood brain trust so sign up here and mark your calendars.
NAMI Family-to-Family Teacher Training
May 1-2, 2021
Signs of the Seasons training
May 5, 2021
University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Maine Sea Grant will offer 2 free ‘Signs of the Seasons’ training options for volunteer citizen scientists around the state. The training options include:
- In-person, socially-distanced training co-hosted by Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens from 10 a.m.–noon on May 5 at 132 Botanical Gardens Drive, Boothbay. The training is limited to 10 participants.
- Online training co-hosted by Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens from 4–5 p.m. on May 5.
Both trainings include information about the importance of studying phenology in a changing climate, the relevance of indicator species to New England, and how to set up a site and start observing. Data collected by volunteers contribute to an online database hosted by the National Phenology Network. All trainings are free and open to the public; registration is required for each session. Register and find full details on the program website. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Esperanza Stancioff, 207-832-0343; esp@maine.edu.
Elder Abuse Prevention Summit
May 11, 2021
The Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention invites you to the 2021 Elder Abuse Summit, a multi-session, multidisciplinary event for professionals working to prevent, detect, and respond to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The Summit will include presentations from local and national experts in the field. Join on Zoom Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 9:15 AM to 12:00 Noon to hear from a dozen presenters. Download the agenda, review the speaker bios and register here. CLE credits are available. If you have questions, please contact Jill Randall at (207) 620-3114 or jrandall@mainelse.org.
Maine Child Welfare Education Annual Conference
June 10, 2021
Save the date of June 10th for the 26th annual Maine Child Welfare Education Conference that will be presented over Zoom. David Finkelhor, PhD, Director, Crimes Against children research center, Co-director, family research laboratory professor of sociology, University of New Hampshire, is the Keynote Speaker. Details and registration coming soon.
River Camp: Apply Now!
July 31-August 14, 2021
Cobscook Institute’s River Camp is a two-week summer camp for teens interested in outdoor careers, conservation, ecology, and outdoor skill building. This year the camp runs from July 31 – August 14. Apply by May 31: Click here to learn more!
Event Calendars & Training Series
One-time events listed as part of a series; quick view of event calendars and
training offerings by one host
DE Recovery Support Center Calendars
Download the April Calendar of Events for the Downeast Recovery Support Centers:
Census Bureau’s 2021 Data Summit Series
We have exciting news to share with you. You are invited to join the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2021 Data Summit Series. Designed for the novice data user, the series will present a high-level overview of several data products and demonstrate how they can be used to assist organizations and businesses and help identify data-driven solutions to challenges. At the conclusion of these sessions, you will:
- Have an increased awareness of the vast data products available through the Census Bureau
- Be better equipped to utilize some of the free online tools available on census.gov
- Have resources and toolkits to assist with navigating data available through census.gov
A complete catalog of available Data Summit webinars, with links to register, can be found here.
Free Community Trainings
Sunrise County Prevention Council is offering 8 FREE, virtual trainings this May and June. Topics include:
- Co-parenting through Separation & Divorce
- Parenting in Recovery
- Active Parenting: First Five Years
Download a flyer for the full training list and details.
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
The Office of Child and Family Services is pleased to provide the opportunity for eligible behavioral health providers in Maine to receive training in Triple P Standard, Triple P Standard Teen and Triple P Pathways beginning April 26, 2021. This opportunity is available to licensed behavioral health clinicians practicing in Maine who provide treatment for youth (up to age 16) and families. The training will be offered statewide with a focus on the first six (6) counties identified in the OCFS SAMHSA System of Care (SOC) grant: Aroostook, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Franklin, Oxford, and Androscoggin. OCFS will offer this training opportunity at no cost to participants. Applications are due April 6, 2021 as training is scheduled to begin April 26, 2021. The training will be offered to a maximum of 80 clinicians. Learn more here, or contact Jessica Gerrish, CBHS Policy Specialist, at Jessica.Gerrish@maine.gov.
Spring Series: Dementia Education
The Maine Alzheimer’s Association is also offering a Spring Series on Dementia Education this April. Topics include: Safety and Memory Challenges, 10 Warning Signs: Early Detection Matters, Effective Communication Strategies, and more. See flyer for details.
GEAR Upcoming Events
Download a copy of our statewide schedule of workshops being offered this spring. If you are interested in signing up for one or more of these workshops, you can register online or call 1-800-264-9224 and one of our staff will take your information and register you. Also, we are in week 2 of the G.E.A.R. Parent Network and Maine Parent Federation conference. We are offering two educational or supportive events each day of the conference that we have entitled “ Parent Pandemic Survival Toolkit”. Due to the continuing pandemic all events will be offered virtually and we have made it super easy for you to register by providing a link after each event description!
G.E.A.R. Families please note that we are still hosting weekly Parent Support Groups on the following days:
- Monday evenings 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
- Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Call 1-800-264-9224 or email Shannan Boyorak, Regional Parent Support Coordinator, to sign up.
Recovery Coaching Basics
Healthy Acadia is excited to offer 12 free CCAR Recovery Coaching Basics training from 9 am–2 pm. CEUs and contact hours provided. Download flyer for dates and other details.
AETC Winter/Spring 2021 Catalog
Washington County Adult Education/Axiom Education & Training Center offers a variety of courses from HiSET Prep to High School Diploma, College Transitions, Career and College Advising, and much more! Download our winter/spring 2021 catalog of courses. we are currently offering remote learning to all students. Visit our website to browse our courses, call our office, 207-370-4139, or email classes@aetc.us for more information.
3 upcoming Virtual Recovery Coach Trainings
Healthy Acadia is holding 3 virtual recovery coach trainings in academic year 2020-2021:
Serial Classes & Groups
Classes, play groups, support circles and other repeating events
BHP Training
Washington County Adult Education is partnering with Woodfords Family Service to offer an online Behavioral Health Professional training program. The training will prepare community members for employment though local social services agencies. The program can be started at any time and finished at your own pace. The course requires completion of 12 online modules, then two 4-hour live sessions. Once the modules are completed, enrollees will receive free online blood borne pathogen training and virtual First Aid & CPR training if they do not already possess those certifications. The entire training requirements will take about 45 hours. Course fee is $25. Must be 18 or older and have a high school diploma or equivalent to register. Contact Cassidy Stevens to sign up at classes@aetc.us or call 370-4139.
National Diabetes Prevention Program
The National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is the CDC’s program for those that are in risk of developing type 2 Diabetes. Healthy Acadia’s mission is to help those with pre-diabetes lower their risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Our program goals include at least a 5% body weight loss and 150 minutes of activity each week. To make these goals attainable, we provide education, support and a simple, but engaging program. The National DPP is a 12-month hybrid program that is delivered virtually via zoom on your mobile phone or computer, and/or in-person, following all covid-19 guidelines. The National DPP is a private secure experience that includes:
- Weekly lessons for initial 4 months followed by monthly lessons
- Unlimited Lifestyle Coach engagement for 12 months
- Online community to share experience with individuals in your group
- Lifestyle Coach to lead your program and give personal feedback throughout 12-month program
- Scheduled in-person scale check-ins with each participant throughout the 12-month program
- Meal photo-journaling, activity tracking, recording parameters for Lifestyle Coach customized feedback regarding your progress.
If you would like to Join This Program, please click on this link and fill out National Diabetes Prevention Program Intake form. Classes are free; enrollment is required. For enrollment information or to learn more about the program, please contact: Angela Fochesato at 255-3741, ext. 103 or angela@healthyacadia.org. 2021 Program begins: Tuesday, May 18, 2021, class times being offered are:
- 8:00 am to 9:00 am
- 12 noon to 1:00 pm
- 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm
4-H starts citizen science club
University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H will offer a citizen science club for grades 4–8 meeting weekly 3:30–4:30 p.m. from May 5–June 9. This virtual 4-H citizen scientists club encourages youth to practice citizen science in their own backyard, with a variety of citizen science opportunities to consider, and report their observations while making connections with fellow citizen scientists in their community and around the state. Youth will need online access and the ability to take and share photos. The club is free to join; enrollment is limited to 15 members. Register on the 4-H club webpage. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact 207-581-8206; sarah.sparks@maine.edu.
4-H Virtual Passport Around the World
University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H is offering a virtual cultural exchange club for youth, best suited for ages 12–18 years, with its first meeting scheduled for 9:30–10:30 a.m. April 24. Additional meetings will be 9:30–10:30 a.m. May 8 and 22, and 4–5 p.m. April 29, May 13 and 27. “4-H Virtual Passport Around the World” is a short-term special interest club designed to introduce young people from different cultural backgrounds to their peers around the world through brief presentations, hands-on activities and discussions. Countries included in this session are Lebanon, Armenia, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania and the Czech Republic. A UMaine Extension 4-H volunteer who also is a volunteer with Greenheart Exchange, a nonprofit international educational exchange organization, will lead the club. The club is free to join; some materials required from participants for each session. Register and find more information on the program webpage. To request a reasonable accommodation or discuss financial assistance for required materials, contact Sara King, 207-743-6329; sara.king@maine.edu.
NAMI Maine Speakers Bureau Training
Please share widely this NAMI Maine Speakers Bureau Training: Tuesdays, April 4 + 11, 4:00 – 8:00 PM, held over Zoom. Register here.
Living With Alzheimer’s: Late-Stage (a Series for Caregivers)
The Maine Alzheimer’s Association is presenting a FREE 3-part series on Monday evenings from April 26 to May 10 2021. In the late stage of Alzheimer’s disease, caregiving typically involves new ways of connecting and interacting with the person with the disease. In this series, participants will hear from caregivers and professionals about resources, monitoring care and providing meaningful connections for the person with late-stage Alzheimer’s and their families. The third session of this series will feature a panel of hospice and palliative care providers to discuss care options and answer questions. See flyer for details. Register here, or call 800-272-3900.
Vegetable and Fruit School
University of Maine Cooperative Extension will hold its annual Vegetable and Fruit School online from noon–2 p.m March 31 and April 1. Topics include new and emerging pest problems, bird management in corn, effective cultivation practices, irrigation strategies for diversified farms and fertigation for high tunnels. Presenters include experts from UMaine Extension, University of Maine, University of Rhode Island and a New Hampshire grower. Each session will have time for questions. The $15 fee includes both days. Register on the program webpage. One pesticide recertification credit will be offered each day. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Caitlin Ramsay, 207.933.2100; caitlin.ramsay@maine.edu.
So You Want to Farm in Maine?
University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a seven-session online course for aspiring farmers starting March 29. The class meets from 5:30–7:30 p.m. twice per week through April 22. Individual consultations will be scheduled April 26 and April 29. “So You Want to Farm in Maine?” is designed for those wanting to start or expand to a profitable farm operation. Topics include starting a land-based business, business planning and record-keeping, marketing and available resources. Instructors include UMaine Extension educators and guest experts. Successful course completion qualifies participants for USDA Farm Service Agency Borrower Training credit. The sliding-scale fee is $50–$150 per person; registration is limited to 40 participants. Register on the program webpage. The required text, “Building a Sustainable Business” by SARE, is available for free download. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Melissa Freeman, 207-353-5550; melissa.freeman@maine.edu.
Partners in Entrepreneurial Pathways 2.0
Washington County Community College is offering a sequel to Entrepreneurial Pathways 1.0 every Wednesday evening between March 17th and May 26th. The new course is Partners in Entrepreneurial Pathways 2.0 – Beyond the Business Plan. Download this flyer for details.
Food, Fun, and Reading
University of Maine Cooperative Extension Washington County is offering a free, online read-aloud program for youth ages 4 to 9 beginning March 9 from 3:30–4:15 p.m. The series continues each Tuesday through April 13. “Food, Fun, and Reading” will feature an interactive activity about MyPlate, based on the most recent U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition guidelines, and a read-aloud story with a different Washington County library each week. The series is free; registration is required. Register on the program webpage. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact 207.255.3345; rita.stephenson@maine.edu.
Personal Support Specialist
Axiom Education & Training Center is holding a 50-hour PSS training class online that will teach you basic care and rules and regulations needed to work in an assisted living or group home as a Patient Service Specialist. Plus, with this certificate you can also work for a private in-home care company. Cost is $425 (scholarships available at SCEC call Jen @ 255-0983!). Classes run from April 19th through April 30th, Monday-Friday, 9 am to 2 pm. WiFi and a computer are required along with a reading assessment done over the Zoom platform. Instructor: Brenda Duggan, R.N. To sign up please call 207-370-4139 or email cassidy.stevens@aetc.us. Financial assistance may be available for qualified students for tuition, childcare, and transportation.
Downeast Rainbow Alliance 10 minute Self-Care Zoom
Fridays at noon. Join Annie Hopkins and Guests! 10 minutes of centering & connection. zoom link at downeastrainbowalliance.com.
4-H virtual science cafés
University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H will offer virtual science cafés for teens in grades 7–12 from 4–4:45 p.m. each Tuesday beginning March 2. Maine 4-H Virtual Science Cafés will feature informal sessions with University of Maine scientists discussing their research and what led them to their work. In the first webinar, UMaine Advanced Structures and Composites Center business development manager John Arimond will discuss wind energy research and development, wind blade testing and 3D printing production. Future topics will include studies of wildlife, archaeology and sharks. The webinars are free; registration is required for each session. Register on the program webpage. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Jessy Brainerd, 207-581-3877; jessica.brainerd@maine.edu. More information also is available on the UMaine Extension 4-H Learn at Home webpage.
University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H is offering a second session of the 4-H for All club for youth ages 5–13 who are new, or interested in becoming, 4-H members. Meetings will be held online from 6–7 p.m. starting Feb. 17, and continuing March 17 and April 21. The 4-H for All club gives youth and families a way to explore 4-H and connect with others across Maine. Youth will participate in projects, and learn what 4-H has to offer and how to become more involved in the program. The club is free to join; registration is required. Register on the 4-H for All webpage to receive the meeting link. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Sara King, 207-743-6329; sara.king@maine.edu.
Online CRMA Class-Spring
Washington County Adult Education and Axiom Education & Training Center are offering an Online Certified Residential Medication Aide ( CRMA) training this spring to get you started working in assisted living or group homes administrating medications. This will be an online class except for the mock med pass at the end.
Class Dates: Tuesday/Thursday evenings April 13th to May 13th
Time: 5:30PM- 9:30PM
Location: Online/Zoom – A computer and an internet connection is required.
Instructor: Brenda Duggan
Fee: $395
To sign up email classes@aetc.us or call 207-370-4139.
Free, Virtual Parent Support Groups
Sunrise Opportunities Prevention Council offers a variety of parent support groups. All are free, held virtually and open to the community. It’s a wonderful place to meet other families and talk about your successes and challenges in an open environment. Download flyer. To register or for more information please contact Monica Olivares at 263-5270. Use Zoom ID: 384-800-5813 and Password: Support to attend these Zoom groups:
- Circle of Parents: Parenting in Recovery, every Monday at 11:30 am-12:30 pm
- Circle of Parents: General Parent Support Group, 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 4:30pm-5:30pm
- Circle of Parents: Parents with children who have special needs, 2nd and 4th Mondays of the Month at 5:00pm-6:00pm
The Prevention Council also offers virtual playgroups! All are free, held virtually and open to the public.
Get a chance to meet other parents in your area and talk about the ups and downs of parenthood. To register or for more information please contact Monica Olivares at 263-5270 (use same Meeting ID and Password above):
- Calais Area Virtual Playgroup– Every Tuesday at 10am – new time (see flyer)
- Machias Area Virtual Playgroup – Every Wednesday at 10 am – new time (see flyer)
Community Circle Series
Teens and young adults are invited to a series of community circles hosted on Zoom by different community organizations once a month between January 21st and April 22nd as a space for people to connect, share their experiences, and imagine the future. See flyer for details.
Monday Night Music
Cobscook Institute’s longstanding Monday Night Music Circle is taking place weekly over Zoom during the pandemic. Community members near and far are invited to drop-in to participate or simply listen. Staff is available to provide tech support for anyone that needs it. Details here.
Workforce Certificate in
Substance Use Disorder & Recovery
Washington County Community College is excited to announce a free program in Substance Use Disorder & Recovery that results in a certificate and 30 credit hours transferable to their Associate of Applied Science in Health and Human Services degree. Successful completion also meets requirements to apply to sit for the Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor exam. See flyer for details. Technology resources are available for students without access to wireless and/or tablets, as well as potential student supports from partner services.
ECHO now open to non-medical providers
ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is an evidence-based educational model developed by researchers at the University of New Mexico using videoconferencing to connect interdisciplinary specialist teams with primary care clinicians. Each 90-minute ECHO session will include a brief lecture, a case presentation and discussion between participants and faculty. CME credits are available. These are now open to non-medical providers that are engaged in substance use response (i.e. recovery coaches). See flyer for details and schedule.
FrontLine WarmLine
Maine DHHS is launching a volunteer support service to Help Maine’s Health Care Workers and First Responders Manage Emotional Toll of COVID-19 — FrontLine WarmLine. Read the full press release here.
Daily Virtual Recovery Support
The Downeast Recovery Support Center is offering daily virtual recovery support meetings Monday through Friday from 10-11 am and 4-5 pm. Open discussion, all recovery meeting are for individuals impacted by substance use disorder or affected others. Visit their facebook page for more information. To join a group by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 373 022 686
Password: 091927
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,373022686# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,373022686# US (New York)
Caregiver Monday:
An Initiative Dedicated To Helping Caregivers Take Care of Themselves
The Monday Campaigns, a nonprofit public health initiative, has announced Sherri Snelling, caregiving expert and corporate gerontologist, is taking a leading role with Caregiver Monday, a program dedicated to supporting the self-care of 65 million family caregivers by offering weekly health and wellness practices, research and collaborative activities through partner organizations. Family caregivers are under added stress now, with older people being more vulnerable to COVID-19. The Caregiver Monday program will be offered through Caregiving Club, a leading organization founded by Snelling that calls attention to the issues facing caregivers by offering practical health, wellness and resource-based information. Every month, the program will offer a themed article with evidence-based research information on specific topics related to caregiver self-care, as well as provide weekly practices and health promotions related to that monthly theme. Organizations supporting the campaign can access these materials on the updated Caregiver Monday site.
Caregivers Facebook Group
The CCC is launching a private facebook group for caregivers in Washington County – professional caregivers like RNs and CNAs, and informal caregivers like family members providing care for a spouse, parent, specials needs child, sibling or the neighbor across the street. Our goal is for this group to provide a platform for caregivers to talk to each other, ask questions, offer solutions based on experience with similar challenges, and point to helpful resources. Use this link to join.
Standing Meetings & Calendars
Monthly and quarterly meetings, agency/initiative calendars at a glance and other meeting schedules
Downeast Public Health Council Meetings
Schedule for Downeast Public Health Council Meetings in 2021, for Downeast Public Health Council Members and Stakeholders: Third Friday of the month in January, March, May, July, September, and November 2021. Meetings will be virtual until in-person meetings are allowed. Contact Maura Goss with questions at maura.goss@maine.gov. Next meeting is May 21st, 9 — 11 am.
Our Community of Practice meetings continue in Washington County! For now, we have combined our Calais and Machias groups, and are meeting every other week via Zoom. Please contact MRTQ District Coordinator Theresa Fisk for more information: theresa.fisk@maine.edu or 207-956-2070
Work Group & Poverty Busters
This is a meeting of direct service providers to share resources and network with other providers in your area. This group meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 1 — 3 pm. Due to the current public health COVID-19 shutdown, we are meeting via Zoom. Read notes from the March meeting. Our next meeting is today – April 7th – register here and read the agenda. Send your questions about this meeting to Christine.
Needs & Offers
Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting
or housing needs.
Mission Scholarships 2021
The Maine Seacoast Mission’s scholarship programs help recent high school graduates and adults from Maine islands and Downeast communities continue their educations and achieve their dreams. Our scholarships support students of many different backgrounds, especially students who will be the first members of their families to attend college. Students meeting our selection criteria are welcome to reapply each year, for up to four years. To apply for one of the available scholarships a student must have: an expected family contribution not exceeding $15,000, a minimum 2.5 GPA; a student must be a high school graduate from Washington/ Hancock Counties, or an island served by the Mission, and participate in an interview. Here is the application form with specific requirements for each Mission scholarship.
New Website for Start Up Downeast
Start Up Downeast now has a new website with a recording of the program overview available, and a place for interested participants to request an application for their open enrollment. This program is designed to improve economic outcomes for individuals in low-income households by providing access to post-secondary education while developing financial and self-employment readiness skills. Success will be achieved through coaching, advising, workforce and business development support, and barrier removal.
MCF Scholarships Available for Washington County Students
Applications are currently being accepted for four Maine Community Foundation scholarships that support Washington County students.
- The Strater Downeast Scholarship Fund — Application deadline: May 15
- The Sally Stetson Tongren Scholarship Fund — Application deadline: May 15
- The Marilla W. and Harold A. Lund Scholarship — Application deadline: May 15
- The Kingsley Brown Educational Fund — Application deadline: April 1
Details and links to the online application for these scholarships can be found at www.mainecf.org
Downeast Family Gardens
The CCC and Women for Healthy Rural Living have teamed up to help support up to 75 families who wish to grow a garden. In addition to the seeds, we offer a blog called Seeds and Sprouts with information, ideas and support that can help you throughout the season. We have seed collections in three convenient sizes for families in Downeast Maine. These seeds are intended for any Washington County family with children who would like to have a vegetable garden, but find it a hardship to purchase seeds at this time. Learn more here.
Executive Assistant Position with Down East Hospice Volunteers
Are you seeking a position where your interpersonal skills can shine while also making a difference in your community? Do you enjoy working independently and as a team member? Are you a stickler for detail, love to multi-task, and are a good listener? Do you have office experience with light bookkeeping and basic Quick Book skills? Downeast Hospice Volunteers of Washington County is searching for the right individual to provide support to the Executive Director and hospice board of directors. Your work venue follows all CDC protocols. See the full job description for application instructions.
FFD Accepting Applications for Cohort 6
Do you want to attend college but do not know where to begin? If you have a child under 8 years old and are a Washington County Resident, Family Futures Downeast may be able to assist you. Contact us today for more information! Email Angela, call/text 812-2005, or check out our website!
Hospice Volunteers 30th Anniversary Cobscook Bay Race
Celebrating 40 Years of Compassionate Care, Down East Hospice Volunteers of Washington County will be having our 30th Anniversary Cobscook Bay Race Challenge 2021 taking place in early June. Just like last year, there will be no group race, no prizes and no post race get together. No meeting of a large group in one place. Each participant will run or walk a 10K or 5K course where it is safe and convenient for them to do so due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Folks can run in their own backyards if they want to. We want to keep our organization’s financial situation viable by holding onto this event with this new approach until it’s safe to have a group gathering once again. DEHV depends on donations, grants and fund raising events such as the Cobscook Bay Road Races – Challenge 2021. Sponsors are needed to make this event happen.
You can become a sponsor/donor with a donation in your name and/or in someone’s memory or honor. Sponsor/donor categories: Platinum – $1000 + Gold – $500 – $999 Silver – $250 – $499 Bronze $100 – $249. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, Barbara Barnett, directly at 207-726-5087 or downeasthospice@yahoo.com. Last year was our most successful hospice race to date even though it did not take place as an in person event. Help us reach that goal again this year. Register here to participate in this event as a walker or runner.
Housing Barrier Removal Fund
Mano en Mano and community partners announce Round 2 of the Housing Barrier Removal Fund. Round 2 of this fund opens Mar 1, 2021 and we will make up to 20 awards in this round. Applications are due April 30, 2021. Learn more about this exciting opportunity in this press release. If you have questions about the fund, please email or call Elan Gabel-Richards at (207) 266-1238 or Egabel-richards@manomaine.org.
Hannaford Bags for Hospice
Down East Hospice Volunteers of Washington County is celebrating 40 Years of Compassionate Care. For the month of March 2021, Down East Hospice Volunteers will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable Community Bag at the Hannaford store located at 149 Dublin Street, Machias ME. Every bag that is bought will make a difference. If you cannot find the correct bag that will benefit Down East Hospice Volunteers, please ask a staff person.
Free Tax Prep from Eastern Maine Ca$h
The Eastern Maine CA$H Coalition is offering FREE tax prep at several sites in Washington County. Use this link for site locations and COVID guidelines. Most are offering these supports through drop-off sites where community members drop off paperwork to be prepared and pick up their completed tax form.
Peer Specialist Opening in WC
SUD Patient Navigator
The Regional Medical Center at Lubec Northern Maine HIV Program is excited to add a new staff member to the team and tailor this outreach service to meet the needs of people living in Washington County. If you know someone who is passionate about reducing overdose deaths in our community and supporting those wishing to begin their journey of recovery, please pass this along and feel free to contact Erica Famous, Director of HIV Programs, with any questions. Read Job description here.
Get up to Speed
The Maine Broadband Coalition is launching a statewide speed test mapping initiative. The goal of the “Get Up To Speed” initiative is to gather data from across the state to generate the most comprehensive map of both the presence and quality of internet in Maine to date. Residents are being asked to help the initiative by taking this less-than-a-minute test to map their own speed through the Maine Broadband Coalition’s website. We strongly encourage you to share this link with your community, so that we can get the most accurate map possible. The Maine Broadband Coalition will aggregate, document, and visualize the speed testing information to provide users and state officials with up-to-date service maps. Participants can view their results (while personal information remains confidential) and watch the public map of Maine grow in real time.
Q+ Youth connect on Discord
The Downeast Rainbow Alliance (DRA) and Healthy Acadia have joined together to create a new forum for LGBT2Q+ youth, ages13-22, to connect. “Downeast Q+ Discord” is available 24 hours a day for peer to peer support. Discord is a secure online server that is often used as a communication tool for gaming communities. There are youth and adult moderators present in the space for safety. Q+ youth need open and affirming environments and time and time again we find that our schools are not able to create a reliable network of Q+ youth,” says Anne Shields Hopkins, lead administrator for the DRA. “Being affirmed of your identity as LGBT2Q+ can literally be life saving. This project is being created out of that need.” Join the server or contact Corrie Hunkler with questions.
Narcan by Mail
Healthy Acadia is now offering free Narcan through the mail (or a person can schedule a time to pick it up). Use this link to a Google form to request this service. Please share this information.
Safe Harbor Accepting Applications
Safe Harbor, a recovery residential program in Machias, is now accepting applications! Safe Harbor was created in partnership with Healthy Acadia, The Community Caring Collective, Downeast Community Partners, and Aroostook Mental Health Center. Our mission is to provide safe, supportive, housing for women in recovery and their children. This program is appropriate for women (18 years or older) with or without children who self identify as in recovery from substance use disorder. We require a negative screen for alcohol, THC, and medications or drugs not prescribed by a doctor upon admission. We also require an ability to pay rent, however temporary scholarships may be available. Most importantly applicants are expected to show a commitment to recovery and personal growth as well as a willingness to actively engage in recovery goal settings. Our residence features 5 furnished units, 3 full bathrooms, and a kitchen fully stocked with cooking supplies and plenty of room for food storage. Thanks to community support, Safe Harbor is well stocked with supplies, furniture, food donations, and a helpful network of recovery resources. See flyer for details.
Operation Warmth
Fedcap Inc. provides an array of services to individuals receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) benefits throughout the state of Maine. The Washington County office is asking for gift cards or new winter clothing for children and adults to support their “Operation Warmth” project for program participants and their families living in poverty. Interested donors may contact Mary Pelletier, Calais/ Machias Site Manager, at MPelletier@fedcap.org, or 207-454-4480.
PTLA Tuesday Eviction Info Sessions
Join Pine Tree Legal Assistance online every Tuesday at 9 am to get your questions answered about eviction. Learn about the process and how it differs right now during the COVID lockdown. See flyer for more information.
Donations Needed for Shelter Guests
NextStep DV Project is gratefully accepting donations of new & unused household items for their shelter guests. See list of items needed. Please contact Marcie or Jasmine to arrange for drop-off of items or for more information.
Social Call Service
The COVID-19 pandemic has created many new challenges. It has also offered an opportunity for our community to come together in support of one another. Healthy Acadia’s Maine RecoveryCorps and MDI Hospital are partnering to respond to the isolation many community members are facing through a new Social Call service.
Social Calls are to be made by trained recovery coaches. Their recovery coach training and background has steeped them in a culture of empathy, support, compassion, and resilience. The callers are able to provide information on resources and offer reflective listening, encouragement, and honesty.
There are several avenues available to request a social call. One may discuss it with their provider who can send a referral on their behalf. The Healthy Acadia website has both on online form and one to print and return. Additionally Beth Alteri is available to 207 – 460 -2312 to take requests over the phone as needed. She can also be reached at socialcalls@healthyacadia.org or receive faxes at 207-331-5423.
Social calls offer an opportunity for connection and can serve to buffer the negative effects of physical distancing. These calls are not intended to replace an individual’s need to connect with their mental health professional, but rather be an additional service for them to tap into. If you or someone you know could benefit from a Social Call please reach out to us. We are here to help.
Sunrise Scholarship Fund
Has your job been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic? For the immediate future, Washington County residents who answer yes to that question are eligible to apply for up to $500 to assist with training that will increase your opportunities for employment regardless of prior income levels! Click here for an application. Visit www.sunrisecounty.org. Call Jen at 255-0983 with any questions.
DCT Offers Virtual Services to Support Opioid Recovery
As a result of new virtual services, same-day access to anyone with opioid use disorder (OUD) who wishes to begin medication assisted treatment (MAT) is now available to anyone across Washington and Hancock counties. In response to the unfolding COVID-19 crisis, the Downeast Treatment Center (DTC) in Ellsworth has begun offering immediate, virtual, rapid access to MAT for all in the Downeast region…. Patients can expect a virtual intake over phone or Zoom, prescriptions called to pharmacies near them; ongoing, remote access to a medical provider, and access to virtual group or individual sessions with a behavioral health provider. Anyone who does not have insurance or who cannot afford their insurance deductibles or copays can apply for financial support from Healthy Acadia’s Treatment Fund. Read the full press release from Healthy Acadia.
If you are Aware of a Senior in Need….
Healthy Acadia would like to share an Eastern Area Agency on Aging link to refer people for all services including the Meals on Wheels program. Please share this information widely!
Free Financial Coaching
Thanks to support from Downeast Community Partners, Joseph Connors has been able to continue offering free coaching on any financial matter to individuals and families in Washington County, following the termination of this program at the end of March by the Consumer Protection Bureau. To make an appointment with Joe, call him at 207-598-5657 or email joe.connors@downeastcommunitypartners.org.
Favorite Resources
Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers.
VA Maine Caregiver Support Program
VA Maine’s Caregiver Support Program has been hard at work building wrap-around services for Caregivers of all Veterans! Read our first quarterly newsletter for information about our team, our programs and some of the services we offer. A new newsletter will be coming out in April. The General Caregiver Support Program is similar to case management for caregivers – we check in with them yearly, perform risk assessments and offer services listed below. Please help us get the information and resource out to all staff and caregivers who desperately need support and encouragement! See this brochure for more information.
Daughterhood.org’s mission is to support and build confidence in women who are managing their parents’ care. The daughterhood blog, website and social media links connect you — the care manager — to resources and a wholly unique perspective on our health and elder care systems. Through her writing and curation of resources, daughterhood’s founder, Anne Tumlinson, coaches women and men to insist on excellent care and a meaningful experience for their parents. Daughterhood is what happens when we put our lives on hold to take care of our parents. Unlike motherhood, we don’t expect daughterhood. And, even if we did, it’s shocking how hard and time consuming it is. Daughterhood.org is an incredible resource for caregivers offering informational podcasts with show notes you can download on topics such as Elder Law and 911 Emergency! Now what? The website also offers inspirational blog posts, recommended reading lists, and support on how to start a local support group “daughterhood circle” and private facebook group to stay in communication.
The Overdose Prevention Through Intensive Outreach Naloxone and Safety (OPTIONS) initiative is a coordinated effort of the Maine Office of Behavioral Health and other state agencies to improve the health of Mainers using substances through harm reduction strategies, helping them on the road to recovery, and dramatically reducing the number of fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses. Visit the OPTIONS website for information on how to respond to an overdose, view data, search for resources by county and topic, listen to personal recovery stories or share your own story.
Connecting with Opportunities
Eastern Maine Development Corporation would like your help sharing the exciting news about Maine’s Connecting with Opportunities Initiative. It’s focused on addressing the opioid crisis by providing support, encouragement and financial resources to people impacted (personally or indirectly) by opioid use disorder. There are lots of resources right now. Participants are needed. This initiative is also available to unemployed workers who haven’t been impacted by opioid use disorder, but want to play a role in addressing the opioid crisis. For these non-impacted individuals, the career paths are focused in the substance use disorder treatment, mental health or recovery fields. Connecting with Opportunities complements Maine’s other workforce development offerings, such as the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) program. If you know anyone who could benefit from financial assistance and a supportive team to start school, enter a training program or move directly into meaningful employment, please contact opporunitygrant@emdc.org. If you or your organization would like to receive a brief presentation, contact Doug Dunbar (ddunbar@emdc.org).
Seeds & Sprouts
Introducing “Seeds & Sprouts,” a family-friendly garden blog, collaboratively created and edited by Incredible Edible Milbridge and the Community Caring Collaborative. Seeds & Sprouts features monthly posts about family-friendly gardening activities, tips and tricks for your garden, and more. Check us out here.
Child Care Business Lab
CEI is starting an intensive 6-month program to help people interested in starting a child care business in selected counties, including Washington. The program, which starts in March, is called the Child Care Business Lab: we integrate small business start-up education with child care management techniques and coaching through the licensing process. Access to capital in the form of loans is also available. The Child Care Business Lab consists of formal workshops delivered via video, an online, on-demand component, live panels with existing child care providers who provide “been there / done that” insight – and participants work one-on-one with a business advisor and a child care mentor to tailor plans that work for them and their community. CEI Business Advisor Ruth Feldman encourages people to “take a look at the Child Care Business Lab website and let me know if you have any questions. (My colleague @Cynthia Murphy (cynthia.murphy@ceimaine.org), who runs the program, is also happy to answer questions.) I hope you’ll consider applying!” Ruth can be reached at Ruth.Feldman@ceimaine.org.
National Digital Equity Center Upcoming Webinars
What else would you like to learn? Most of our online classes are now offered at various times in the next month. Topics range from learning new devices, programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and more, Using Online Games for Age 55+, Social Media platforms, Word Press, QuickBooks, Online Safety & Much More! Click here to register for upcoming online courses.
AMHC 24-hour Recovery Resource & Support Referral Line
AMHC has launched a 6-month pilot program providing a 24-hour recovery resource and support referral line: 1-833-NVR-GVUP or 207-454-1999. Read more about this here. Share this flyer.
Training and Technical Assistance Related to COVID-19
SAMHSA is committed to providing regular training and technical assistance (TTA) on matters related to the mental and substance use disorder field as they deal with COVID-19. Our TA programs are delivering great resources during this time. View the updated available TTA resources to assist with the current situation. Download flyer for more information.
Neighbor4Neighbor Fund
The “neighbor4neighbor” Fund (n4n) a program of Healthy Acadia, provides one-time mini-grants of up to $500 to seniors in Washington and Hancock counties who are facing any one of many life crises that can arise unexpectedly and for which they may not have adequate funds. n4n funds may be used for eyeglasses, dentures, medical equipment, emergency household repairs, or other one-time challenges which may undermine a senior’s ability to live independently and have a high quality of life. Learn more about n4n here. To apply for a n4n Fund mini-grant, click here.
Financial Planning for Memory Loss Caregivers
“Becoming a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia is demanding. You’ll need to help your loved one with daily tasks as well as with financial decisions. Despite the challenges, being a caregiver can also be rewarding. It provides the opportunity to oversee important decisions and to ensure quality support for your loved one. This guide helps caregivers prepare for the expenses associated with caring for someone with memory loss and offers caregiver resources that can help make the journey easier.”
From: Insider.com | June 29, 2020 — See more.
Lois-Ann Kuntz has 2 free WiFi resources to share:
- An updated map of ‘Study-From-Car’ sites where WiFi guest access is available for outside of buildings is now available. For each site, please check the website information provided for availability and connection information.
- The Maine State Library has this on their website a list of libraries that have their WiFi on 24/7 with available parking within range. I don’t see how to sort this by county. https://www.maine.gov/msl/libs/directories/wireless.shtml
Maine Families of Washington County publishes a comprehensive list of free Wi-Fi access in their online community resource guide.
Washington County Recovery Resources
The CCC in collaboration with Healthy Acadia has created a comprehensive, up-to-date list of recovery resources with contact info for Washington County. As we know, services have shifted in light of COVID-19. We want to ensure providers and community members are aware of the current available resources to support individuals impacted by substance use disorder. Here is a link to a “live” document that will be updated regularly. Please keep checking back for the most up-to-date information. We will be adding a Hancock County resource list soon! If you are aware of other recovery resources in Washington County or believe an edit needs to be made to this document, please contact Abby Frutchey at afrutchey@cccmaine.org or Penny Guisinger at penny@healthyacadia.org.
Bolstering General Assistance
Under the Governor’s March 31 Executive Order, all applications for General Assistance will be processed as emergency applications for eligibility purposes, and certain other requirements are waived. The order also allows eligible individuals to reapply after 60 days rather than 30 days for ongoing assistance. General Assistance is funded through communities, with DHHS reimbursing 70 percent of municipalities’ costs. Under the Executive Order, DHHS will use existing funding to increase reimbursement to Maine Tribes to up to 100 percent. General Assistance can be used for basic necessities including food, housing, electricity and medical expenses. Assistance is not provided directly to eligible individuals, but rather it is issued in the form of vouchers used to pay vendors who provide goods and services to eligible individuals.
CCC’s Response to the COVID-19 Situation
In light of CDC recommendations about physical distancing, all ECCO services have moved to phone or tele-health connections. Any new referrals will be contacted via phone and follow similar protocols.
CCC staff will continue to work from home, and meetings will be held using Zoom technology until further notice. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us using either the form or email/phone contacts listed on the Contact Us page of our website. We also encourage people to share needs and offers in this newsletter, and remind service providers that we have a needs & offers platform for you on facebook: Poverty Buster Resource Connection.
We encourage people to consult the Maine CDC website which provides helpful guidance in the FAQ section. We are developing our own resources that we will share with you asap and are gearing up to respond to any requests for help with online trainings and convenings as you and your staff lean more on virtual tools to conduct business, provide services and address community needs. To request an online training, please use our Training & Technical Assistance Request form.
About the Wednesday Communique
This is the Community Caring Collaborative’s weekly newsletter where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners. Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the One-Time Events section, and job postings and announcements about services and programs in the Needs & Offers section. Subscribe here to get the Communiqué. Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at claurel@cccmaine.org. Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab.Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included. Thanks!